"Nobuaki Shiraki","Plasticity of histone modifications around Cidea and Cidec genes with secondary bile in the amelioration of developmentally-programmed hepatic steatosis",,"Scientific Reports",,,,,2019,Dec. "五日市 実侑,白木 伸明,伊東 宏晃,粂 昭苑","iPS細胞肝臓分化誘導系を用いたDOHaDの検証",,"DOHaD研究","日本DOHaD学会事務局","Vol. 8","No. 3","pp. 46-46",2019,Aug. "Nobuaki Shiraki","Fetal androgen signaling defects affect pancreatic β-cell mass and function, leading to glucose intolerance in high-fat diet-fed male rats.",,"American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism",,,,,2019,July "Nobuaki Shiraki","Collagen vitrigel promotes hepatocytic differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells into functional hepatocyte-like cells.",,"Biology open",,,,,2019,July "Nobuaki Shiraki","A culture substratum with net-like polyamide fibers promotes the differentiation of mouse and human pluripotent stem cells to insulin-producing cells.",,"Biomedical materials (Bristol, England)",,,,,2019,June "白木 伸明","多能性幹細胞の未分化維持や分化におけるアミノ酸の役割の解明 (第12回学術大会(JSAAS2018)) -- (日本アミノ酸学会 科学・技術賞受賞講演)",,"アミノ酸研究 = Amino acid research","日本アミノ酸学会","Vol. 12","No. 2","pp. 99-104",2019,Mar. "小田 雄一,篠原 満利恵,飯生 啓太,新谷 華梨,進 和美,佐藤 琢,荒川 大,白木 伸明,立野 知世,杉浦 慎治,粂 昭苑,加藤 将 夫,金森 敏幸,木村 啓志,酒井 康行","二臓器連結モデル型 Microphysiological System を用いた新鮮ヒト肝細胞とヒト iPS 細胞由来腸管上皮細胞の灌流共培養","細胞アッセイ研究会",,,,,,2019,Jan. "柴田 伊真,下道 隆広,渡邊 輝彦,山口 宏之,白木 伸明,粂 昭苑","メチオニン除去培地とコラーゲンビトリゲル薄膜を用いて分化誘導したヒト iPS 細胞由来肝臓細胞を利用した薬物毒性試験系の構築","細胞アッセイ研究会2019",,,,,,2019,Jan.