"T. Murahashi,K. Usui,Y. Tachibana,S. Kimura,S. Ogoshi","Selective Construction of Pd2Pt and PdPt2 Triangles in a Sandwich Framework: Carbocyclic Ligands as Scaffolds for a Mixed-Metal System",,"Chem. Eur. J",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 8886-8890",2012,July "T. Murahashi,K.shirato,A.Fukushima,K. Takase,T. Suenobu,S. Fukuzumi,S. Ogoshi,H. Kurosawa","Redox-induced Reversible Metal Assembly through Translocation and Reversible Ligand Coupling in Tetranuclear Metal Sandwich Frameworks",,"Nature Chem.",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 52-58",2012,Jan. "Tetsuro Murahashi","A New Class of Sandwich Compounds: Connection of Metal Atoms from Point to Line and Plane",,"Gendai Kagaku",,"vol. 66",,"pp. 43-46",2012,