"中島淳一","フィリピン海プレートの沈み込みと関東地方の地震テクトニクス","日本地震学会 2010 年秋季大会",,,,,,2010,Oct. "Junichi Nakajima","Seismic evidence for dehydration reactions in the subducting oceanic plates","G-COE Symposium 2010 Dynamic Earth and Heterogeneous Structure",,,,,,2010,July "中島淳一","地震波トモグラフィで診る日本列島下の上部マントル構造","日本地球惑星科学連合 2010 年大会",,,,,,2010,May "中島淳一","前弧マントルウエッジは含水化しているか?","日本地球惑星科学連合 2010 年大会",,,,,,2010,May "中島淳一","伊豆前弧マントルウエッジの蛇紋岩化:関東下の地震波速度構造からの考察","日本地球惑星科学連合 2010 年大会",,,,,,2010,May "中島淳一","地震波を用いた解析に基づく地殻構造と地震・火山活動の関係の解明","「地震及び火山噴火予知のための観測研究計画」成果報告シンポジウム",,,,,,2010,Mar. "中島淳一","沈み込み帯の水循環の全容解明","「地震及び火山噴火予知のための観測研究計画」成果報告シンポジウム",,,,,,2010,Mar. "Uchida, N.,Matsuzawa, T.,Nakajima, J.,Hasegawa, A.,Junichi Nakajima","Subduction of a wedge-shaped Philippine Sea plate beneath Kanto, central Japan, estimated from converted waves and small repeating earthquakes",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth",,"Vol. 115","No. 7",,2010, "Kita, S.,Okada, T.,Hasegawa, A.,Nakajima, J.,Matsuzawa, T.,Junichi Nakajima","Existence of interplane earthquakes and neutral stress boundary between the upper and lower planes of the double seismic zone beneath Tohoku and Hokkaido, northeastern Japan",,"Tectonophysics",,"Vol. 496","No. 1-4","pp. 68-82",2010, "Reynard, B.,Nakajima, J.,Kawakatsu, H.,Junichi Nakajima","Earthquakes and plastic deformation of anhydrous slab mantle in double Wadati-Benioff zones",,"Geophysical Research Letters",,"Vol. 37","No. 24",,2010, "Nakajima, J.,Kato, A.,Iwasaki, T.,Ohmi, S.,Okada, T.,Takeda, T.,Junichi Nakajima","Deep crustal structure around the Atotsugawa fault system, Central Japan: A weak zone below the seismogenic zone and its role in earthquake generation",,"Earth, Planets and Space",,"Vol. 62","No. 7","pp. 555-566",2010, "Nakajima, J.,Hasegawa, A.,Junichi Nakajima","Cause of M ? 7 intraslab earthquakes beneath the Tokyo metropolitan area, Japan: Possible evidence for a vertical tear at the easternmost portion of the Philippine Sea slab",,"Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth",,"Vol. 115","No. 4",,2010, "Kita, S.,Okada, T.,Hasegawa, A.,Nakajima, J.,Matsuzawa, T.,Junichi Nakajima","Anomalous deepening of a seismic belt in the upper-plane of the double seismic zone in the Pacific slab beneath the Hokkaido corner: Possible evidence for thermal shielding caused by subducted forearc crust materials",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 290","No. 3-4","pp. 415-426",2010,