"Hiroto Tanaka","Advanced fabrication technologies for bio-inspired MAV wings","The 1st Joint Symposium of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Chiba University (JSSSC 2011)",,,,,"pp. 24",2011,Nov. "R. J. Wood,B. Finio,M. Karpelson,K. Ma,N. O. Perez-Arancibia,P. S. Sreetharan,H. Tanaka,J. P. Whitney","Progress on "pico" air vehicles","International Symposium on Robotics Research",,,,,,2011,Aug. "Hiroto Tanaka,John P. Whitney,Robert J. Wood","Effect of flexural and torsional wing flexibility on lift generation in hoverfly flight",,"Integrative and Comparative Biology",,"Vol. 51",,"pp. 142-150",2011,July "Hiroto Tanaka,Robert J. Wood","At-scale artificial insect wings by microfabrication techniques","Symposium: Bioinspiration: Applying mechanical design to experimental biology in The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting (SICB)",,,,,"pp. S5.3",2011,Jan.