"富永 禎秀,持田 灯,大風 翼,佐藤 威,根本 征樹,本吉 弘岐,中井 専人,堤 拓哉,吉野 博","メソ気象モデルとCFDを接続した都市・建築空間の降積雪シミュレーションシステムの開発",,"日本雪工学会誌 : journal of snow engineering","日本雪工学会","Vol. 26","No. 4","pp. 235-244",2010,Sept. "伊藤 優,大風 翼,持田 灯,富永 禎秀,吉野 博,佐々木 康友","CFDを用いた吹雪モデルと雪面熱収支解析に基づく融雪モデルの連成による都市・建築空間の積雪分布予測手法の開発",,"日本雪工学会誌 : journal of snow engineering","日本雪工学会","Vol. 26","No. 4",,2010,Sept. "Yoshihide Tominaga,Akashi Mochida,Tsubasa Okaze,Takahiko Uematsu,Masaya Otsuki,Masaki Nemoto,Takeshi Sato","Development of system for predicting snow distribution in built-up environment to determine measures for mitigating snow disaster",,"Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering",,,,,2010,May "Tsubasa Okaze,Akashi Mochida,Yoshihide Tominaga,Yu Ito,Hiroshi Yoshino","CFD prediction of snowdrift around a cube using two transport equations for drifting snow density",,"Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering",,,,,2010,May "Yoshihide Tominaga,Akashi Mochida,Tsubasa Okaze,Takeshi Sato,Masaki Nemoto,Hiroki Motoyoshi,Sento Nakai,Takahiko Uematsu,Masaya Otsuki","Development of prediction system for snow cover in built-up environment",,"Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium of Asia Institute of Urban Environment",,,,,2010,May