"佐久間邦弘,山口明彦","シンポジウム 2 健やかに生きるための骨格筋の役割~活力ある高齢者であるために~ サルコペニア (加齢性筋減弱症)の分子メカニズム","第68回日本体力医学会大会",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Akihiko Yamaguchi,Kunihiro Sakuma","Biological actions of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) isoforms and IGF-binding proteins in skeletal muscle",,"Basic Biology and Current Understanding of Skeletal Muscle","Nova Science Publishers, Editor (Kunihiro Sakuma)",,,"pp. 53-86",2013,Aug. "Kunihiro Sakuma,Akihiko Yamaguchi","An overview of the therapeutic strategy for preventing sarcopenia",,"Basic Biology and Current Understanding of Skeletal Muscle","Nova Science Publishers, Editor (Kunihiro Sakuma)",,,"pp. 87-123",2013,Aug. "Masataka Suwa,Kunihiro Sakuma","The potential role of sirtuins regarding the effects of exercise on aging-related diseases",,"Current Aging Science",,"Vol. 6","No. 2","p. 178-188",2013,July "Hidetaka Wakabayashi,Kunihiro Sakuma","Nutrition, exercise, and pharmaceutical therapies for sarcopenic obesity",,"J Nutr Ther",,"Vol. 2",,"p. 100-111",2013,July "Aoi W,Naito Y,Takagi T,Tanimura Y,Takanami Y,Kawai Y,Sakuma K,Hang LP,Mizushima K,Hirai Y,Koyama R,Wada S,Higashi A,Kokura S,Ichikawa H,Yoshikawa T","A novel myokine, secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC), suppresses colon tumorigenesis via regular exercise",,"Gut",,"Vol. 62","No. 6","p. 882-889",2013,June "Kunihiro Sakuma,Akihiko Yamaguchi","Serum response factor (SRF)-dependent signaling in regenerating, hypertrophied, and pathological skeletal muscle",,"Frontiers in Pathological Genetics","Science and Engineering Publishing Company","Vol. 1","No. 1","p. 1-8",2013,June "Kunihiro Sakuma,Akihiko Yamaguchi","Sarcopenic obesity and endocrinal adaptation with age",,"International Journal of Endocrinology",,"Vol. 2013",,"p. 204164",2013,Apr. "Akira Wagatsuma,Kunihiro Sakuma","Mitochondria as a potential regulator of myogenesis",,"Scientific World Journal",,"Vol. 2013",,"p. 593267",2013,Feb. "Yutaka Kano,Kunihiro Sakuma","Effect of aging on the relationship between capillary supply and muscle fiber size",,"Adv Aging Res",,"Vol. 2",,"p. 37-42",2013,Feb. "Yamaguchi A,Sakuma K,Fujikawa T,Morita I","Expression of specific IGFBPs is associated with those of the proliferating and differentiating markers in regenerating rat plantaris muscle",,"Journal of Physiological Sciences",,"Vol. 63","No. 1","p. 71-77",2013,Jan. "Kunihiro Sakuma,Akihiko Yamaguchi","Basic biology and current concepts of muscle regeneration",,"Muscle Cells: Development, Disorders and Regeneration","Nova Science Publishers, NY",,,"pp. 1-50",2013,Jan. "Wataru Aoi,Kunihiro Sakuma","Skeletal muscle: novel and intriguing characteristics as a secretory organ",,"BioDiscovery",,"Vol. 7",,"p. 2",2013, "Kunihiro Sakuma,Akihiko Yamaguchi","Current concepts and therapeutic strategy in sarcopenic obesity",,"Obesity Epidemic","iConcept Press",,,"pp. 137-154",2013,