"Ryosuke Takehara,Kazushi Kanoda","Observation of Mott Transition Coupled to Intramolecular Degrees of Freedom",,"Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) Bulletin 2018",,"vol. 28","no. 6"," 36-38",2018,Dec. "D. Liu,K. Ishikawa,R. Takehara,K. Miyagawa,M. Tamura,K. Kanoda","Insulating Nature of Strongly Correlated Massless Dirac Fermions in an Organic Crystal",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"volume 87","number 9",,2018,Sept. "Ryosuke Takehara,K. Sunami,F. Iwase,M. Hosoda,K. Miyagawa,T. Miyamoto,H. Okamoto,K. Kanoda","Revisited phase diagram on charge instability and lattice symmetry breaking in the organic ferroelectric TTF-QCl4",,"APS physics",,,,,2018,Aug. "R. Takehara,K. Nakada,K. Miyagawa,T. Kadoya,J. Yamada,K. Kanoda","Mott Transition Coupled to Molecular Motion in a Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Material",,,,"Volume 87","Number 9",,2018,Aug.