"Y. Enomoto,K. Orihara,T. Takamasu,A. Matsuda,Y. Gon,H. Saito,C. Ra,Y. Okayama","Tissue remodeling induced by hypersecreted epidermal growth factor and amphiregulin in the airway after an acute asthma attack",,"J Allergy Clin Immunol",,"Vol. 124","No. 5","pp. 913-20 e1-7",2009,Nov. "K. Orihara,H. Morita,A. Yagami,N. Kajiwara,S. Nakae,K. Matsumoto,H. Nagasaki,Y. Saito,H. Saito,A. Matsuda","TH2 cytokines potently induce an appetite-stimulating peptide, melanin-concentrating hormone, in human vascular endothelial cells",,"J Allergy Clin Immunol",,"Vol. 124","No. 3","pp. 612-4, 614 e1-2",2009,Sept.