"佐藤誠,長谷川晶一,田岡祐樹,中谷桃子","保育園の環境改善ワークショップのための協調バーチャル環境","第28回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Yuval Kahlon,Weiheng Hu,Momoko Nakatani,Jiang Zhu,Takuya Oki,Yichuan Zhu,Haruyuki Fujii","The Holographic Studio: Real-time virtual teleportation in Mixed Reality for Enhancing Design Education","41st Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe) Conference","eCCADe2023 Digital Design Reconsidered",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 139-148",2023,Sept. "Shigeru Owada,Sawako Fujita,Naho Tomiki,Masami Ogura,Yuki Taoka,Momoko Nakatani,Shigeki Saito","VisRef: A Reflection Support System Using a Fixed-Point Camera and a Smartwatch for Childcare Fields","25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION",,,,,,2023,July "Sawako Fujita,Yuki Taoka,Shigeru Owada,Momoko Nakatani,Shigeki Saito","Towards Co-design with Day Care Teachers Based on In-Situ Behavioral Data: A Case Study of a Workshop for Reflection Based on Video Recordings","25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION","Lecture Notes in Computer Science","Springer, Cham","vol. 14034",,"pp. 255-268",2023,July "Tomomi Miyata,Yuki Taoka,Momoko Nakatani,Mika Yasuoka,Nana Hamaguchi,Shigeki Saito","The effect of series workshops on ownership of societal issues: Case study on designing food for the future","25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION",,,,,,2023,July "Mika Yasuoka,Yuki Taoka,Momoko Nakatani,Tomomi Miyata,Nana Hamaguchi","How Remote-Controlled Avatars are Accepted in Hybrid Workplace","25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION",,,,,,2023,July "Nana Hamaguchi,Momoko Nakatani,Yuki Taoka,Mika Yasuoka,Tomomi Miyata,Shigeki Saito,Erika Ashikaga,Kakagu Komazaki,Ushio Shibusawa,Yoshiki Nishikawa","How can we encourage ownership to social challenges?: Comparison of three types of workshop themes","25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION",,,,,,2023,July "Mika Yasuoka,Momoko Nakatani,Yuki Taoka","Untapped potential of participatory design - citizen centered social data utilization for smart cities","25TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION",,,,,,2023,July "Mika Yasuoka,Yuki Taoka,Momoko Nakatani,Nana Hamaguchi,Shigeki Saito","A systematic literature review on utilisation of behavioural data in service design: Unexplored potentials on data utilisation on co-designv","SERVDES 2023",,,,,,2023,July "田岡 祐樹,中谷 桃子,籠橋 香歩,南部 隆一,津久井 かほる,大和田 茂,長谷川 晶一,佐藤 巧,菊地 駿佑,齋藤滋規","保育室を再現したデジタルツイン空間での共創デザインワークショップ手法の探索","第201回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会(SIG-UXSD-17)",,,,,,2023,June "田岡祐樹,中谷桃子,籠橋香歩,南部隆一,津久井かほる,大和田茂,長谷川晶一,佐藤巧,菊地駿佑,齋藤滋規","保育室を再現したデジタルツイン空間での共創デザインにおけるコミュニケーションの研究","第200回ヒューマンインタフェース学会研究会「コミュニケーション支援および一般(SIG-CE-27)」",,,,,,2023,May "Wataru Akahori,Naomi Yamashita,Jack Jamieson,Momoko Nakatani,Ryo Hashimoto,Masahiro Watanabe","Impacts of the Strength and Conformity of Social Norms on Well-Being: A Mixed-Method Study Among Hybrid Workers in Japan",,"CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems",,,"No. 870","pp. 1-17",2023,Apr. "赤堀 渉,ジャック ジェーミソン,山下 直美,中谷 桃子,橋本 遼,渡辺 昌洋","ハイブリッド勤務における社会規範が 職場のウェルビーイングに及ぼす影響","インタラクション2023","情報処理学会",,,,,2023,Mar. "Weiheng Hu,Yuval Kahlon,Momoko Nakatani,Haruyuki Fujii","Real-time Gaze-sharing for Enhancing Student-Instructor Communication: Technology-facilitated critique in architectural design studios","CAADRIA 2023 - 28th International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia","Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of the Association for Computer- Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2023","Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA)",,,"pp. 411-420",2023,Mar.