"Trieu-Duc, V.,Iwasaki, Y.,Oshima, K.,MT.,Nikaido, M.,Okada, N.","Data of RNA-seq transcriptomes in the brain associated with aggression in males of the fish Betta splendens",,"Data in Brief",,,"No. 38","pp. 107448",2021,Oct. "Trieu-Duc, V.,Iwasaki, Y.,Oshima, K.,Chiu,MT.,Nikaido, M.,Okada, N.","A unique neurogenomic state emerges after aggressive confrontations in males of the fish Betta splendens",,"Gene",," 784",," 145601",2021,Apr. "Vu Trieu Duc","A Comprehensive Understanding of Aggressive Behavior at Molecular Level Using Fish Betta splendens",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Vu Trieu Duc","A Comprehensive Understanding of Aggressive Behavior at Molecular Level Using Fish Betta splendens",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Vu Trieu Duc","A Comprehensive Understanding of Aggressive Behavior at Molecular Level Using Fish Betta splendens",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Vu Trieu Duc","A Comprehensive Understanding of Aggressive Behavior at Molecular Level Using Fish Betta splendens",,,,,,,2021,Mar.