"Kazutaka Takahashi,Masayuki Ohzeki","Conflict between fastest relaxation of a Markov process and detailed balance condition",,"Physical Review E","APS"," 93",," 012129",2016,Jan. "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hitoshi Katsuda,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Nonequilibrium work on spin glasses in longitudinal and transverse fields",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 80","Number 8",,2011,July "Ohzeki,Masayuki; Nishimori,Hidetoshi","Quantum annealing: An introduction and new developments",,"Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience",,"Volume 8","Number 6",,2011,June "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Yoshiyuki Kabashima,Hidetoshi Nishimori,Masayuki Ohzeki","Zero-temperature complex replica zeros of the }J Ising spin glass on mean-field systems and beyond","International Symposium on Nanoscience and Quantum PhysicsnanoPHYS'09","Physica E","Elsevier","Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 786-789",2010,Aug. "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Non-equilibrium relations for spin glasses with gauge symmetry",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Volume 79","Number 8",,2010,July "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Analytical evidence for the absence of spin glass transition in self-dual lattices",,,,"Volume 42","Number 33",,2009,July "Masayuki Ohzeki,Hidetoshi Nishimori,A. Nihat Berker","Multicritical points for the spin glass models on hierarchical lattices",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 77"," Iss. 6",,2008,June "Masayuki Ohzeki","Intenal Energy of the Potts model on the Triangular with two- and three-body interactions",,"Hidetoshi Nishimori",,"Vol. 75","No. 11","pp. 114003",2006,Nov. "Hidetoshi Nishimori,Masayuki Ohzeki","Location of the Multicritical Point of the Ising Spin Glass on the Triangular and Hexagonal Lattices",,"Masayuki Ohzeki",,"Vol. 75","No. 3","pp. 034004",2006,Mar.