"Yuto Moritake,Masaaki Ono,Masaya Notomi","Far-field optical imaging of topological edge states in zigzag plasmonic chains",,"Nanophotonics",,"Vol. 11","No. 9","pp. 2183-2189",2022,May "本多 智貴,養田 大輝,森竹勇斗,納富 雅也","トポロジカル偏光特異点を用いた円偏光レーザー発振の検討","第69回日本応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2022,Mar. "吉本 大地,森竹 勇斗,松方 妙子,三宮 工,斉藤 光","トポロジカルプラズモンモードの電子線分光ナノイメージング","日本顕微鏡学会",,,,,,2020,May "Y. Moritake,T. Tanaka","Impact of substrate etching on plasmonic elements and metamaterials: preventing red shift and improving refractive index sensitivity",,"Optics Express",,"Vol. 26","No. 3","pp. 3674-3683",2018,Feb. "Y. Moritake,Y. Kanamori,K. Hane","Dynamic Spectral Control of Fano Resonance by MEMS Actuated Optical Metamaterials",,"IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines",,"Vol. 137","No. 11","Page 357-362",2017,Nov. "Y. Moritake,T. Tanaka","Controlling bi-anisotropy in infrared metamaterials using three-dimensional split-ring-resonators for purely magnetic resonance",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 7",,,2017,July "Y. Moritake,Y. Kanamori,K. Hane","Emission wavelength tuning of fluorescence by fine structural control of optical metamaterials with Fano resonance",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 6",,,2016,Sept. "Y. Moritake,Y. Kanamori,K. Hane","Demonstration of sharp multiple Fano resonances in optical metamaterials",,"Optics Express",,"Vol. 24","No. 9","Page 9332-9339",2016,Apr. "Y. Moritake,Y. Kanamori,K. Hane","Detailed Characterization of Fano Resonance in Asymmetric-double-bar Metamaterials in the Optical Region",,"IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines",,"Vol. 135","No. 11","Page 426-432",2015,Nov. "Y. Moritake,Y. Kanamori,K. Hane","Enhanced quality factor of Fano resonance in optical metamaterials by manipulating configuration of unit cells",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 107","No. 107",,2015,Nov. "Y. Moritake,K. Nakayama,T. Suzuki,H. Kurosawa,T. Kodama,S. Tomita,H. Yanagi,T. Ishihara","Lifetime reduction of a quantum emitter with quasiperiodic metamaterials",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 90","No. 7",,2014,Aug. "K. Kusaka,H. Kurosawa,S. Ohno,Y. Sakaki,K. Nakayama,Y. Moritake,T. Ishihara","Waveguide-mode interference lithography technique for high contrast subwavelength structures in the visible region",,"Optics Express",,"Vol. 22","No. 15","Page 18748-18756",2014,July "Y. Moritake,Y. Kanamori,K. Hane","Experimental demonstration of sharp Fano resonance in optical metamaterials composed of asymmetric double bars",,"Optics Letters",,"Vol. 39","No. 13","Page 4057-4060",2014,June