"Satoshi Hara,T. Hisabori","Kinetic analysis of the interactions between plant thioredoxin and target proteins",,"Front Plant Sci",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 508",2013,Dec. "Y. Tsukamoto,Y. Fukushima,Satoshi Hara,T. Hisabori","Redox control of the activity of phosphoglycerate kinase in Synechocystis sp. PCC6803.",,"Plant Cell Physiol",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 484-91",2013,Jan. "Satoshi Hara,T. Nojima,KOHJI SEIO,MASASUKE YOSHIDA,TORU HISABORI","DNA-maleimide: An improved maleimide compound for electrophoresis-based titration of reactive thiols in a specific protein",,"Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects",,"Vol. 1830",,"pp. 3077-3081",2013,Jan.