"U. Zhumaev,A.S. Lai,I. Pobelov,A. Kuzume,A.V. Rudnev,Th. Wandlowski","Quantifying perchlorate adsorption on Au(111) electrodes",,"Electrochim. Acta",,"Volume 146",,"Page 112",2014, "A. Kuzume*,U. Zhumaev,J.F. Li,Y.C. Fu,M. F?eg,M. Estevez,Z. Borjas,A. Esteve-Nu?ez,Th. Wandlowski","An in-situ surface electrochemistry approach towards whole-cell studies: structure and reactivity of a Geobacter sulfurreducens submonolayer on electrified metal/electrolyte interfaces",,"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.",,"Volume 16",,"Page 22229",2014, "K. Yoshida,A. Kuzume,I.V. Pobelov,P. Broekmann,Th. Wandlowski","Reconstruction and electrochemical oxidation of Au(110) surface in 0.1M H2SO4",,"Electrochim. Acta",,"Volume 139",,"Page 281",2014, "V. Climent,S. Chumillas,Y. Fu,J. Li,A. Kuzume,B. Maestro,Th. Wandlowski","Probing the electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction reactivity of immobilized mulicopper oxidase CueO",,"J. Phys. Chem. C",,"Volume 118",,"Page 15754",2014, "U.E. Zhumaev,I.V. Pobelov,A.V. Rudnev,A. Kuzume,Th. Wandlowski","Decoupling surface reconstruction and perchlorate adsorption on Au(111)",,"Electrochemistry Communications",,"Volume 44",,"Page 31",2014, "A. Rudnev,A. Kuzume*,Y.C. Fu,Th. Wandlowski","CO oxidation on Pt(100): new insights based on combined voltammetric, microscopic and spectroscopic experiments",,"Electrochim. Acta",,"Volume 133",,"Page 132",2014,