"Tsubasa Okaze,Akashi Mochida","Generation of artificial inflow turbulence including scalar fluctuation for LES based on Cholesky decomposition","9th international conference on urban climate","The proceedings of 9th international conference on urban climate",,,,,2015,July "大風翼,井上宗則,佃悠","実務で活用するCFDの現状とこれから 第2回 都市街区計画へのCFDの適用",,"建築技術",,,,"pp. 62-63",2015,Jan. "Tsubasa Okaze,Takano, Y.,Mochida, A.,Tominaga, Y.","Development of a new k-ε model to reproduce the aerodynamic effects of snow particles on a flow field",,"Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics",,"Vol. 144",,"pp. 118-124",2015, "Tsubasa Okaze,Ono, A.,Akashi Mochida,Kannuki, Y.,Watanabe, S.","Evaluation of turbulent length scale within urban canopy layer based on LES data",,"Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics",,"Vol. 144",,"pp. 79-83",2015,