"POKHREL KESHAV RAJ,NAOYA ABE","Ensuring operational sustainability of rural electrification program through an efficient fee collection strategy: A case study of The Philippines","An international workshop on electrification and the role of renewables: Exploring energy choices in Myanmar and the Great Mekong Subregion",,,,,,2016,Dec. "Naoya Abe","Reconciliation or Diversification? -Some Preliminary Thoughts On Future Directions of Waste Related Research in SDGs Era","2016 Seminar Workshop on the Utilization of Waste Materials","Proceeding of the 2016 Seminar Workshop on the Utilization of Waste Materials",,,,,2016,Sept. "平井 雄之,阿部 直也","電力消費構造の分解に着目した大学における電力消費パターンの実態把握","環境科学会 2016 年会",,,,,,2016,Sept. "Hiroki Nakamura,Naoya Abe","Tourist decisions in renting various personal travel modes: A case study in Kitakyushu City, Japan",,"Tourism Management",,"Vol. 55",,"Page 85-93",2016,Aug. "Junichirou Ishio,Naoya Abe","Evaluating the effects of daily unmindfulness on well-being using a wearable device","The38th International Association for Time Use Research Conference",,,,,,2016,July "澤村新之助,阿部直也","開発途上国における廃棄物管理とそのほかの都市開発セクターの関連:ダッカ市(バングラディッシュ)を事例として","平成 28 年度廃棄物資源循環学会 春の研究発表会",,,,,,2016,May "Dinh Sy Khang,Michael Angelo B. Promentilla,Raymond R. Tan,Naoya Abe,Phan Dinh Tuan,Luis F. Razo","Multi-criteria approach to assess stakeholders preferences for selection of biodiesel feedstock in Vietnam",,"Int. J. of Business and Systems Research",,"Vol. 10","No. 2/3/4","pp. 306-331",2016,Apr.