"Hisayoshi Nozaki,Noriko Ueki,Nanako Isaka,Tokiko Saigo,Kayoko Yamamoto,Ryo Matsuzaki,Fumio Takahashi,Ken-ichi Wakabayashi,Masanobu Kawachi","A New Morphological Type of Volvox from Japanese Large Lakes and Recent Divergence of this Type and V. ferrisii in Two Different Freshwater Habitats",,"PLOS ONE",,,,,2016,Nov. "Takahiro Ide,Shota Mochiji,Noriko Ueki,Katsushi Yamaguchi,Shuji Shigenobu,Masafumi Hirono,Ken-Ichi Wakabayashi","Identification of the agg1 mutation responsible for negative phototaxis in a "wild-type" strain of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii",,"Biochemistry and Biophysics Reports",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 379-385",2016,Sept.