"Tien Khanh Nguyen,Hashiru Negishi,Satoshi Abe,Takafumi Ueno","Supramolecular Protein Assemblies Constructed by Engineering of Protein Crystal Lattices","ISBC 2017",,,,,,2017,Dec. "Tien Khanh Nguyen,Hashiru Negishi,Satoshi Abe,Takafumi Ueno","Molecular Design of Protein Crystal for Construction of Self-Assembly Biosupramolecule","66th 高分子学会 2017",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Tien Khanh Nguyen,Hashiru Negishi,Satoshi Abe,Takafumi Ueno","Construction of Biosupramolecular Assemblies Regulated by Crystalline Lattice of Protein","The 97th CSJ Annual Meeting 2017",,,,,,2017,Mar. "Tien Khanh Nguyen,Hashiru Negishi,Satoshi Abe,Takafumi Ueno","Self-Assembly Protein Structures Fabricated by Protein Crystal Engineering","11th Annual Symposium on Nanobiotechnology",,,,,,2017,Feb.