"海宝 慎太郎,阿部 直也","社会・経済条件を考慮したエコツーリズム推進自治体の特徴抽出","第31回環境情報科学 学術論文発表会",,,,,,2017,Dec. "海宝 慎太郎,阿部 直也","社会・経済条件を考慮したエコツーリズム推進自治体の特徴抽出",,"環境情報科学 学術研究論文集 31",,,"No. 31","pp. 65-70",2017,Nov. "Dinh S. Khang,Raymond R. Tan,O. Manuel Uy,Michael Angelo B. Promentilla,Phan D. Tuan,Naoya Abe,Luis F. Razon","A design of experiments approach to the sensitivity analysis of the life cycle cost of biodiesel",,"Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy","Springer",,,"pp. 1-8",2017,July "Junichirou Ishio,Naoya Abe","Sonificating people’s time use and well-being in daily life: a result-feedback-method for promoting participants’ understanding and satisfaction of time use survey","The 39th International Association for Time Use Research Conference, Jul. 2017",,,,,,2017,July "Junichirou Ishio,Naoya Abe","Assessing well-being in rural and urban communities in aging society based on a psychophysiological time use survey method","The 39th International Association for Time Use Research Conference, Jul. 2017.",,,,,,2017,July "Naoya Abe","Exploration of the necessary conditions to realize green and sustainable communities","5th JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines Annual Research Symposium and General Assembly Meeting",,,,,,2017,July "Naoya Abe","Poverty, SDGs and Technology","4th Tokyo Tech Liberal Arts Mini Symposium titled "NO POVERTY -Impact of Access to Resources",,,,,,2017,July "Dinh S. Khang,Raymond R. Tan,O. Manuel Uy,Michael Angelo B. Promentilla,Phan D. Tuan,Naoya Abe,Luis F. Razon","Design of experiments for global sensitivity analysis in life cycle assessment: The case of biodiesel in Vietnam",,"Resources, Conservation and Recycling","Elsevier","Volume 119",,"Page 12-23",2017,Apr. "Aldwin Uy Urbina,Naoya Abe","Citizen?centric Perspective on the Adoption of E?Government in the Philippines",,"The Electronic Journal of e-Government","The Electronic Journal of e-Government (EJEG)","Volume 15"," 2","pp. 63-83",2017,Mar. "阿部直也","第12章 ボトムアップによるSDGsへの挑戦――コミュニティでのSDGs形成",,"持続可能な開発目標とは何か 2030年へ向けた変革のアジェンダ (蟹江憲史編著)","ミネルヴァ書房",,,,2017,Mar. "Junichirou Ishio,Naoya Abe","Measuring Affective Well-Being by the Combination of the Day Reconstruction Method and a Wearable Device: Case Study of an Aging and Depopulating Community in Japan",,"Augmented Human Research","Springer Singapore",,,,2017,Feb. "Junichirou Ishio,Naoya Abe","Measuring Affective well-being and life stressors using wearable devices for the aging communities in Japan","Grand Challenges Symposium 2015 Demographic Change and Longevity","Springer",,,,,2017,Feb.