"J. Yoneda,K. Takeda,T. Otsuka,T. Nakajima,M. R. Delbecq,G. Allison,T. Honda,T. Kodera,S. Oda,Y. Hoshi,N. Usami,K. M. Itoh,S. Tarucha","A quantum-dot spin qubit with coherence limited by charge noise and fidelity higher than 99.9%",,"Nature Nanotechnology",," 13",," 102?106",2017,Dec. "M. Kobayashi,E. Tylaite,N. Shimatani,Y. Yamaoka,T. Kodera","Physically-defined p-channel silicon double quantum dots with a charge sensor","3rd Conference and Workshop on Spin-Based Quantum Information Processing",,,,,,2017,Nov. "J. Yoneda,K. Takeda,T. Otsuka,T. Nakajima,M. R. Delbecq,G. Allison,T. Honda,T. Kodera,S. Oda,Y. Hoshi,N. Usami,K. M. Itoh,S. Tarucha","An isotopically-enriched silicon spin qubit with >99.9% fidelity and charge-noise-limited coherence","” 3rd Conference and Workshop on Spin-Based Quantum Information Processing",,,,,,2017,Nov. "S. Mizoguchi,Y. Yamaoka,T. Makino,N. Shimatani,T. Kodera","Fabrication and characterization of p-type heavily doped quantum dots","2017 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM2017)",,,,,,2017,Sept. "井上 顧基,国崎 愛子,小寺 哲夫,マノハラン ムルガナタン,水田 博","励起状態を考慮した第一原理計算によるダイヤモンドB-V-1センターの電子状態解析","第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "米田淳,武田健太,大塚朋廣,中島峻,Matthieu R. Delbecq,Giles Allison,本田拓夢,小寺哲夫,小田俊理,星裕介,宇佐美徳隆,伊藤公平,樽茶清悟","同位体制御Si/SiGe単一電子スピンの1/f電荷揺らぎによる位相雑音","日本物理学会2017年秋季大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "Tetsuo Kodera","Silicon Quantum Dot Devices for Spin Quantum Bits","2nd Global Congress & Expo on Materials Science and Nanoscience",,,,,,2017,Sept. "J. Yoneda,K. Takeda,T. Otsuka,T. Nakajima,M. R. Delbecq,G. Allison,T. Honda,T. Kodera,S. Oda,Y. Hoshi,N. Usami,K. M. Itoh,S. Tarucha","Charge-noise-limited coherence and three-nines fidelity of an enriched Si/SiGe spin qubit","Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop 2017",,,,,,2017,Aug. "N. Shimatani,Y. Yamaoka,R. Ishihara,A. Andreev,D. A. Williams,S. Oda,T. Kodera","Hole transport properties in physically defined silicon quantum dots operating at 25 K","The 22nd International Conference on Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Systems (EP2DS-22)",,,,,,2017,Aug. "K. Takeda,J. Yoneda,T. Otsuka,T. Nakajima,M. R. Delbecq,G. Allison,J.Kamioka,T. Honda,T. Kodera,S. Oda,Y. Hoshi,N. Usami,K. M. Itoh,S. Tarucha","Microwave induced frequency shift and its quadrature compensation for Si/SiGe spin qubit","Silicon Quantum Electronics Workshop 2017",,,,,,2017,Aug. "小寺 哲夫","シリコン量子コンピュータに向けた基盤技術開発","電子情報通信学会8月度シリコン材料・デバイス研究会",,,,,,2017,July "SUDA,ORIHASHI,FUMOTO,HIGASHIURA,KODERA,NISHIHIRA, Y.","P300 POTENTIAL INDUCED BY BADMINTON SMASH RECEIVE VIDEO CLIP","European College of Sport Science 2017","Book of Abstracts, ECSS 2017",,,,"pp. 613-614",2017,July "A Andreev,T-Y Yang,M F Gonzalez-Zalba,Y Yamaoka,T Ferrus,S Oda,T Kodera,D A Williams","Transport Through Si QDs in Coulomb Blockade Regime: Theory and Experiment","International Workshop on Computational Nanotechnology",,,,,,2017,June "Y. Yamaoka,K. Iwasaki,S. Oda,T. Kodera","Charge sensing and spin-related transport property of p-channel silicon quantum dots",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",," 56",," 04CK07-1-4",2017,Mar. "A. Kunisaki,M. Muruganathan,H. Mizuta,T. Kodera","First-principles calculation of a negatively charged boron-vacancy center in diamond",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",," 56",," 04CK02-1-4",2017,Mar. "?岡裕,岩崎?真,??俊理,?寺哲夫","スピン軌道相互作?量?ビットに向けたpチャネルシリコン量子ドットの正孔スピン輸送特性","第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2017,Mar. "島?直樹,?岡裕,?原良?,Aleksey Andreev,David Williams,??俊理,?寺哲夫","シリコン量?ドットにおける正孔輸送特性の温度依存性","第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,2017,Mar.