"田村 修次","大地震に対する建築物の杭耐震設計の意義と今後の動向 (特集 大地震に備える杭体・杭頭接合の新技術)",,"基礎工","総合土木研究所","Vol. 45","No. 11","pp. 2-7",2017,Nov. "林 和宏,田村 修次","遠心載荷実験におけるコンクリート系杭の損傷挙動と建物の地震応答",,"日本建築学会構造系論文集","日本建築学会","Vol. 82","No. 740","pp. 1633-1640",2017,Oct. "Tamura, S.,Ishikawa, D.,Shibata, K.,Funahara, H","Axial load variations in a pile group under cyclic overturning moment and horizontal load","PILE2017","Proceeding of PILE 2017",,,,,2017,Sept. "木村祥裕,的場萌子,後藤天志郎,田村修次","遠心載荷実験装置を用いた上屋・杭基礎-地盤系における液状化地盤の杭頭補強鋼管杭の終局耐力評価",,"日本建築学会構造系論文集",,"Vol. 82","No. 738","pp. 1221-1231",2017,July "Khosravi, M.,Boulanger, R.,Tamura, S.,Wilson, D.,Olgun, C.,Wang, Y.","Dynamic centrifuge tests of structures with shallow foundations on soft clay reinforced by soil-cement grids, Soils and Foundations",,"Soils and foundations",,"Vol. 57","No. 4","pp. 501-513",2017,July "S. Tamura,Daisuke Odaka,Hideyuki Mano,Shamoto","EVALUATION OF SEISMIC EARTH PRESSURE ACTING ON FOOTING EMBEDDED IN COHESIVE SOIL BASED ON CENTRIFUGE TESTS","16th World Conference on Earthquake","Proceedings of 16th World Conference on Earthquake",,,,,2017,Jan. "Hayashi, K.,Hachimori, W.,Kaneda, S.,Shuji Tamura,Saito, T.","Development of the monitoring technique on the damage of piles using the biggest shaking table "e-defense"",,"AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1892",,,2017, "Kaneda, S.,Hayashi, K.,Hachimori, W.,Shuji Tamura,Saito, T.","Failure behavior of concrete pile and super-structure dynamic response as a result of soil liquefaction during earthquake",,"AIP Conference Proceedings",,"Vol. 1892",,,2017,