"A. Aiba,F. Demir,S. Kaneko,S. Fujii,T. Nishino,K. Tsukagoshi,A. Saffarzadeh,G. Kirczenow,M. Kiguchi","Controlling the thermoelectric effect by mechanical manipulation of the electron's quantum phase in atomic junctions",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 7",,,2017,Aug. "S. Watanabe,S. Kaneko,S. Fujii,T. Nishino,S. Kasai,K. Tsukagoshi,M. Kiguchi","Gap width-independent spectra in 4-aminothiophenol surface enhanced Raman scattering stimulated in Au-gap array",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 56","No. 6"," 065202(1-3)",2017,May "A. Aiba,S. Kaneko,S. Fujii,T. Nishino,K. Tsukagoshi,M. Kiguchi","In-situ Observation of Formation Process of Free Standing Au Nano Wire with Scanning Electron Microscope",,"Nanotechnology",,"Vol. 28","No. 10","pp. 105707",2017,Feb.