"川村隼,松岡祐也,鈴木龍二郎,廣谷大佑,森伸介,根津篤,赤塚洋","水中に噴射したアルゴンアークプラズマから水への流体伝熱特性","第35回 プラズマ・核融合学会 年会","第35回 プラズマ・核融合学会 年会 予稿集","一般社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会",,,,2018,Dec. "Jun Kawamura,Yuya Matsuoka,Ryujiro Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori,Atsushi Nezu,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Heat Transfer of Submerged Ar Arc Plasma to Water for the Decommissioning of Degraded Nuclear Power Plant","2 nd Asia - Pacific Conference on Plasma Physics","AAPPS-DPP Program & Abstracts","Division of Plasma Physics, Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies",,,,2018,Nov. "Shunsuke Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori","Promoted growth of carbon nanotubes by sulfur addition in chemical vapor deposition shown via Arrhenius law",,"Diamond & Related Materials",,"Vol. 89",,"pp. 74-83",2018,Oct. "Shunsuke Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori","Impacts of different sulfur sources as a promoter on the growth of carbon nanotubes in chemical vapor deposition",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 709",,"pp. 1-6",2018,Oct. "川村隼,松岡祐也,鈴木龍二郎,廣谷太佑,森伸介,根津篤,赤塚洋","水中に噴射したアルゴンアークプラズマによる液相側への流体伝熱特性","平成30年電気学会基礎・材料・共通部門大会","平成30年 電気学会 基礎・材料・共通部門大会予稿集","一般社団法人 電気学会",,,"p. 218",2018,Sept. "Shinsuke Mori","Nano-structural control of carbon-based thin films by PECVD and their surface modification","16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering","Proc. 16th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering",,,," KN2300",2018,Sept. "松岡祐也,川村隼,鈴木龍二郎,根津篤,森伸介,赤塚洋","水中に噴出したアルゴンアーク熱プラズマの計測","第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会","第79回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会 講演予稿集","公益社団法人 応用物理学会",,,"p. 07-119",2018,Sept. "藤本 雄也,森 伸介","圧力スイングと放電の同期によるアンモニア合成","化学工学会室蘭大会2018","化学工学会室蘭大会2018講演予稿集",,,," E121",2018,Aug. "蒔田 宣人,森 伸介","圧力スイングプラズマを用いたメタンのDry Reforming","化学工学会室蘭大会2018","化学工学会室蘭大会2018講演予稿集",,,," E122",2018,Aug. "Shunsuke Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori","Considerations on the key precursor for the growth of carbon nanotubes using a diesel engine as a reactor",,"Chemical Engineering Science",,"Vol. 186",,"pp. 62-73",2018,Aug. "Shinsuke Mori,Ryo Suzuki,Yusei Matsumura,Youhei Anekawa","Synthesis of Parallelized Carbon Nanowalls by ECR Plasma","The 7th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology","Proc. The 7th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology",,,," TE1-4",2018,July "Yuya Fujimoto,Shinsuke Mori","Effective Ammonia Synthesis by Synchronizing of Pressure Swing and Discharge Switching","The 7th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology","Proc. The 7th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology",,,," TP-107",2018,July "Radwan Metwaly Elzoheiry,Shinsuke Mori,Fatemeh Bohlooli,Hiroki Shinkawa,Sho Kaneda,Mahmoud Ahmed","Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanowalls as Direct Methanol Fuel Cell Electrode Using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition","The 7th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology","Proc. The 7th International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology",,,," FP-063",2018,July "Ali Radwan,Shinichi Ookawara,Shinsuke Mori,Mahmoud Ahmed","Uniform cooling for concentrator photovoltaic cells and electronic chips by forced convective boiling in 3D-printed monolithic double-layer microchannel heat sink",,"Energy Conversion and Management",,"Vol. 166",,"pp. 356-371",2018,June "鈴木俊介,森伸介","ディーゼルエンジンを用いたカーボンナノチューブの合成機構および生成機構に関する研究","化学工学会第83回年会","化学工学会第83回年会講演予稿集",,,," K302",2018,Mar. "Shunsuke Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori","Synthesis of carbon nanotubes from biofuel as a carbon source through a diesel engine",,"Diamond and Related Materials",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 79-86",2018,Feb.