"Kunihiko Fujiwara,Takashi Asawa,Naoya Tsuchiya","Optimization of Tree Arrangement for Landscape Design: Proposal Regarding Tree Arrangement Priority Maps for Heat Mitigation","10th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Tomoki Kiyono,Takashi Asawa,Haruki Oshio","Numerical simulation of nocturnal drainage flow from urban trees","10th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Takashi Asawa,Kunihiko Fujiwara","A novel estimation of sensible and latent heat fluxes from the whole-tree crown of an isolated tree in Japanese summer","10th International Conference on Urban Climate",,,,,,2018,Aug. "Chae Yeon Park,Dong Kun Lee,E. Scott Krayenhoff,Han Kyul Heo,Saekyul Ahn,Takashi Asawa,Akinobu Murakami,Ho Gul Kim","A multilayer mean radiant temperature model for pedestrians in a street canyon with trees",,"Building and Environment",,"Vol. 141",,"pp. 298-309",2018,Aug. "高田眞人,梅干野晁,浅輪貴史","屋外熱収支シミュレーションとCFDによる熱と気流の全時刻連成解析手法の開発",,"日本建築学会技術報告集","日本建築学会","Vol. 24","No. 57","pp. 715-719",2018,June "Maria Del Rio,Takashi Asawa,Yukari Hirayama,Rihito Sato,Isamu Ohta","Passive cooling method to improve microclimate for natural ventilation of a house during summer","Grand Renewable Energy Conference 2018",,,,,,2018,June "平山由佳理,浅輪貴史,佐藤理人,太田勇,鷲見 法泰","パッシブクーリング技術の複合による冷涼な半屋外空間の形成手法に関する研究",,"日本建築学会環境系論文集","日本建築学会","Vol. 83","No. 744","pp. 193-204",2018,Feb.