"Xuan Zhang,Chikako Ishizuka,Fedir A. Ivanyuk,Satoshi Chiba","Fission study using four-dimensional Langevin model - Nuclear shape of fission fragments","2019 Symposium on Nuclear Data",,,,,,2019,Nov. "Xuan Zhang,Chikako Ishizuka,Fedir A. Ivanyuk,Satoshi Chiba","Fission study using four-dimensional Langevin model - Nuclear shape of fission fragments","2019 Symposium on Nuclear Data",,,,,,2019,Nov. "V. L. Litnevsky,F. A. Ivanyuk,G. I. Kosenko,S. Chiba","Description of the mass-asymmetric fission of the Pt isotopes, obtained in the reaction 36Ar+142Nd within the two-stage fusion-fission model",,"Physical Review C",,"Vol. 99"," 054624",,2019,May "Mark Dennis Usang,Fedir A. Ivanyuk,Chikako Ishizuka,Satoshi Chiba","Correlated transitions in TKE and mass distributions of fission fragments described by 4-D Langevin equation",,"Scientific Reports","Springer Nature","Vol. 9",,"Page 1525",2019,Feb.