"Xiu-Xiu Zhan,Ziyu Li,Naoki Masuda,Petter Holme,Huijuan Wang","Susceptible-infected-spreading-based network embedding in static and temporal networks",,"EPJ Data Science",,"Vol. 9",,,2020,Oct. "Petter Holme,Doina Bucur","Beyond ranking nodes: Predicting epidemic outbreak sizes by network centralities",,"PLOS Computational Biology",,"Vol. 16","No. 7",,2020,July "Lei Shi,Ivan Romi?,Yongjuan Ma,Zhen Wang,Boris Podobnik,Harry Eugene Stanley,Petter Holme,Marko Jusup","Freedom of choice adds value to public goods",,"Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, PNAS, PRONAS",,"Vol. 117","No. 30","pp. 17516-17521",2020,July "Bin Zhou,Xin Lu,Petter Holme","Universal evolution patterns of degree assortativity in social networks",,"Social Networks",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 47-55",2020,May "Zhanwei Du,Petter Holme","Coupling the circadian rhythms of population movement and the immune system in infectious disease modeling",,"PLOS ONE",,"Vol. 15","No. 6",,2020,May "Boris Podobnik,Dean Koro?ak,Ma?a Skelin Klemen,Andra? Sto?er,Jurij Dolen?ek,Marjan Slak Rupnik,Plamen Ch. Ivanov,Petter Holme,Marko Jusup","Beta-cells operate collectively to help maintain glucose homeostasis",,"Biophysical Journal",,"Vol. 118","No. 10","pp. 2588-2595",2020,May "Naoki Masuda,Petter holme","Small inter-event times govern epidemic spreading on networks",,"Physical Review Research",,"Vol. 2",,,2020,May "Y?rali Gandica,Petter Holme","Free and freer XY models",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 101","No. 3",,2020,Mar.