"Qiong Chang,Aolong Zha,Weimin Wang,Xin Liu,Masaki Onishi,Tsutomu Maruyama","Z2-ZNCC: ZigZag Scanning based Zero-means Normalized Cross Correlation for Fast and Accurate Stereo Matching on Embedded GPU","IEEE 38th International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD)",,"IEEE",,,,2020,Dec. "Aolong Zha,Rongxuan Gao,Qiong Chang,Miyuki Koshimura,Itsuki Noda","CNF Encodings for the Min-Max Multiple Traveling Salesmen Problem","IEEE 32nd International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI)",,"IEEE",,,,2020,Dec. "Qiong Chang","A Simulator for Analyzing the Balance of Mafia Game","2020 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems",,"IEEE",,,,2020,Sept.