"Sophal Try,Takahiro Sayama,Chantha Oeurng,Ty Sok,Steven Ly,Sovannara Uk","Investigation of Spatio-temporal Sources of Rainfall of the Historical Large Flood Events in the Lower Mekong Basin","AGU Fall Meeting",,"American Geophysical Union, USA",,,,2021,Dec. "Soklin Ith,Ty Sok,Kaing,Ratboren CHAN,Layheang Song,Chihiro Yoshimura","Sediment Budget in the Confluences of the Mekong River","6th International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes",,,,,,2021,Nov. "UK Sovannara,Ly Sophanna,Rajendra Khanal,Sok Ty,Try Sophal,Chantha Oeurng,Manabu Fujii,Chihiro Yoshimura","Variability of planktonic chlorophyll a and phycocyanin in a complex hydroecological system of Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia","18th World Lake Conference",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Sovannara Uk,Vouchlay Theng,Ty Sok,Sophal Try,Chantha Oeurng,Chihiro Yoshimura","Relative importance of external and internal phosphorus loadings to Tonle Sap Lake, a large shallow tropical lake characterized by seasonal flood pulse","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021), Korea",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Sovannara Uk,Sophanna Ly,Ty Sok,Sophal Try,Chantha Oeurng,Fujii Manabu,Chihiro Yoshimura","Spatiotemporal dynamics of chlorophyll-a and algae phycocyanin in a large shallow tropical lake characterized by seasonal flood pulse","35th Congress of the International Society of Limnology (SIL2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Michitaka SATO,Rajendra KHANAL,Sovannara UK,Siev SOKLY,Ty SOK,Chihiro Yoshimura","Impact of wind on spatio-temporal variation in concentration of suspended solids in Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia",,"Earth",,"Volume 2","Issue 3","pp. 424-439",2021,July