"Hiroaki Hata,Duy Phuoc Tran,Marzouk,Akio Kitao","Binding free energy of protein/ligand complexes calculated using dissociation Parallel Cascade Selection Molecular Dynamics and Markov state model",,"Biophysics and Physicobiology",,,,,2021,Dec. "Duy Phuoc Tran,Akio Kitao","Calculation of Binding Free Energy and Kinetic Rates with Flexible Protein Docking",,"Seibutsu Butsuri",,"Vol. 61","No. 6","pp. 398-399",2021,Nov. "Duy Tran,Akio Kitao","DNA bending enhances the dissociation of tetrameric p53fs coredomains","59th Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society of Japan",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Duy Phuoc Tran,Akio Kitao","Binding free energy calculation with dPaCS-MD/MSM","C2C Program Kick off symposium",,,,,,2021,Oct. "Duy Phuoc Tran,Akio Kitao","Atomic mechanism of the complete association of intrinsically disordered peptide to protein","XXXII IUPAP Conference on Computational Physics(CCP2021)",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Duy Tran,Akio Kitao","Predicting the complex conformations of protein/intrinsically disordered peptide complexes","The Protein Society-35th Anniversary Symposium",,,,,,2021,July "ƒ`ƒƒƒ“ ƒt ƒYƒC,”¨ G–¾,’†–î Œõ,–k”ö²˜N","Benchmarking the free energy calculation of PaCS-MD/MSM","‘æ21‰ñ“ú–{’`”’Ž¿‰ÈŠw‰ï”N‰ï",,,,,,2021,June "‹{àV ‰ÀŠó,Tran Phuoc Duy,’|‘º ˜a_,–k”ö ²˜N","Parallel Cascade Selection Molecular Dynamics/Markov State Model ‚É‚æ‚éƒ^ƒ“ƒpƒNŽ¿?ƒ^ƒ“ƒpƒNŽ¿•¡‡‘Ì‚ÌŒ‹‡e˜a«•]‰¿ (Evaluation of binding affinity for protein-protein complexes by Parallel Cascade Selection Molecular Dynamics/Markov State Model","‘æ21‰ñ“ú–{’`”’Ž¿‰ÈŠw‰ï”N‰ï",,,,,,2021,June "Duy Phuoc Tran,Akio Kitao","Using molecular dynamics simulations to prioritize and understand AI-generated cell penetrating peptides",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 11","No. 1",,2021,May "Mariko Kojima,Yuki Hishikawa,Satoshi Abe,Tadaomi Furuta,Duy Phuoc Tran,Akio Kitao,Takafumi Ueno","Energy Analysis of Miniprotein by in Vivo Protein Crystallization","“ú–{‰»Šw‰ï‘æ101t‹G”N‰ï",,,,,,2021,Mar.