"Kota Ando,Jaehoon Yu,Kazutoshi Hirose,Hiroki Nakahara,Kazushi Kawamura,Thiem Van Chu,Masato Motomura","Edge Inference Engine for Deep & Random Sparse Neural Networks with 4-bit Cartesian-Product MAC Array and Pipelined Activation Aligner","Hot Chips",,,,,,2021,Aug. "Junnosuke Suzuki,Tomohiro Kaneko,Kota Ando,Kazutoshi Hirose,Kazushi Kawamura,Thiem Van Chu,Masato Motomura,Jaehoon Yu","ProgressiveNN: Achieving Computational Scalability with Dynamic Bit-Precision Adjustment by MSB-first Accumulative Computation",,"International Journal of Networking and Computing",,,,,2021,July "Kota Ando","A Study of Highly Compact and Efficient Neural Network Accelerators through Architecture/Algorithm Co-Exploration",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Kota Ando","A Study of Highly Compact and Efficient Neural Network Accelerators through Architecture/Algorithm Co-Exploration",,,,,,,2021,Mar. "Kota Ando","A Study of Highly Compact and Efficient Neural Network Accelerators through Architecture/Algorithm Co-Exploration",,,,,,,2021,Mar.