"Ryo Nakayama,Ryota Shimizu,Taishi Haga,Takefumi Kimura,Yasunobu Ando,Shigeru Kobayashi,Nobuaki Yasuo,Masakazu Sekijima,Taro Hitosugi","Tuning of Bayesian optimization for materials synthesis: simulation of the one-dimensional case",,"Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods",,,,"pp. 0-0",2022,Dec. "Takayuki Kimura,Nobuaki Yasuo,Masakazu Sekijima,Brooke Lustig","Statistical potentials for RNA-protein interactions optimized by CMA-ES",,"Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling",,,,,2022,Jan. "Kazuki Z. Yamamoto,Nobuaki Yasuo,Masakazu Sekijima","Screening for Inhibitors of Main Protease in SARS-CoV-2: In Silico and In Vitro Approach Avoiding Peptidyl Secondary Amides",,"Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling",,"Vol. 62","No. 2","pp. 350-358",2022,Jan.