"Yuko Sato,Hiroshi Kimura","Transcriptional regulation and chromatin modifications during zebrafish zygotic genome activation.","第45回日本分子生物学会年会",,,,,,2022,Dec. "Hiroaki Ohishi,Seiru Shimada,Satoshi Uchino,Jieru Li,Yuko Sato,Manabu Shintani,Hitoshi Owada,Yasuyuki Ohkawa,Alexandros Pertsinidis,Takashi Yamamoto,Hiroshi Kimura,Hiroshi Ochiai","STREAMING-tag system reveals spatiotemporal relationships between transcriptional regulatory factors and transcriptional activity",,"Nature Communications",,"Vol. 13","No. 1",,2022,Dec. "Ksenia Kuznetsova,Noemie M. Chabot,Martino Ugolini,Edlyn Wu,Manan Lalit,Haruka Oda,Yuko Sato,Hiroshi Kimura,Florian Jug,Nadine L. Vastenhouw","Nanog organizes transcription bodies",,"Current Biology",,"Vol. 33","No. 1","pp. 164-173.e5",2022,Dec. "Yohei Kono,Stephen A. Adam,Yuko Sato,Karen L. Reddy,Yixian Zheng,Ohad Medalia,Robert D. Goldman,Hiroshi Kimura,Takeshi Shimi","Nucleoplasmic lamin C rapidly accumulates at sites of nuclear envelope rupture with BAF and cGAS",,"J Cell Biol",,"Vol. 221","No. 12"," e202201024",2022,Oct. "Yuko Sato,Yuma Ito,Satoshi Uchino,Makio Tokunaga,Hiroshi Kimura","Chromatin mobility of X-linked loci and its epigenetic regulation","第60回日本生物物理学会年会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Yancen Dai,Yuko Sato,Bo Zhu,Tetsuya Kitaguchi,Hiroshi Kimura,Farid J. Ghadess,Hiroshi Ueda","Intra Q-body: an antibody-based fluorogenic probe for intracellular proteins that allows live cell imaging and sorting",,"Chemical Science","The Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 13","Issue 33","p. 9739-9748",2022,Aug. "Dai Yancen,Sato Yuko,Zhu Bo,Kitaguchi Tetsuya,Kimura Hiroshi,Farid J. Ghadessy,Ueda Hiroshi","Intra Q-body: an antibody-based fluorogenic probe for intracellular proteins that allows live-cell imaging and sorting","Bioanalytical Sensors Gordon Research Conference","Bioanalytical Sensors Gordon Research Conference",,,,,2022,June "佐藤優子,内野哲志,岡翔平,木村宏","小分子抗体プローブを用いたエピジェネティクス修飾動態の生細胞イメージング","第78回 日本顕微鏡学会学術講演会",,,,,,2022,May "Yancen Dai,Bo Zhu,Yuko Sato,Hiroshi Kimura,Farid J. Ghadessy,Tetsuya Kitaguchi,Hiroshi Ueda.","Development of an immunofluorescence probe Q-body for the direct visualization of tumor marker p53 in fixed and living cells.","化学工学会第87年会","化学工学会第87年会要旨集",,,,,2022,Mar. "Rang FJ,de Luca KL,de Vries SS,Valdes-Quezada C,Boele E,Nguyen PD,Guerreiro I,Sato Y,Kimura H,Bakkers J,Kind J","Single-cell profiling of transcriptome and histone modifications with EpiDamID",,"Mol Cell",,,,,2022,Mar. "Hiroshi Kimura,Yuko Sato","Imaging transcription elongation dynamics by new technologies unveils the organization of initiation and elongation in transcription factories",,"Current Opinion in Cell Biology",,"Volume 74",,"Page 71-79",2022,Feb. "Yuko Sato,Satoshi Uchino,Hiroshi Kimura","Chromatin mobility of X-linked loci and its transcription regulation","The 30th Hot Spring Harbor International Symposium",,,,,,2022,Jan. "Satoshi Uchino,Yuma Ito,Jessica Dai,Yuko Sato,Tetsuya Handa,Yasuyuki Ohkawa,Makio Tokunaga,Hiroshi Kimura","Live imaging of the initiation and elongation forms of RNA polymerase II using phosphorylation-specific probes.","The 30th Hot Spring Harbor International Symposium(Online)",,,,,,2022,Jan.