"Takashi Funakoshi,Hiroyuki Ryoson,Kosuke Suzuki,Katsunori Komehana,Tomoji Nakamura,Takayuki Ohba","9W/cm2/K Heat Transfer Coefficient Vapor Chamber for HPC Server Cooling Applications","2023 IEEE 73rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)",,,,,,2023,Aug. "Norio Chujo,Hiroyuki Ryoson,Koji Sakui,Shinji Sugatani,Tomoji Nakamura,Takayuki Ohba","Electrical and Thermal Analysis of Bumpless Build Cube 3D Using Wafer-on-Wafer and Chip-on-Wafer for Near Memory Computing","2023 IEEE 73rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC)",,"IEEE",,,,2023,Aug. "Norio Chujo,Koji Sakui,Shinji Sugatani,Hiroyuki Ryoson,Tomoji Nakamura,Takayuki Ohba","Bumpless Build Cube (BBCube) 3D: Heterogeneous 3D Integration Using WoW and CoW to Provide TB/s Bandwidth with Lowest Bit Access Energy","2023 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI Technology and Circuits)",,,,,,2023,July "T. Kudo,Y. Satake,T. Funaki,N. Araki,Z. Chen,T. Nakamura,T. Ohba","Study of High-Speed Bonding Process with Thin Adhesive for Chiplet Heterogenous Integration","2023 International Conference on Electronics Packaging (ICEP)",,,,,,2023,May "武山 真弓,鹿島 光司,中村 友二,大場 隆之","工学的立場からの農業支援の一端",,"電子情報通信学会論文誌 C",,"Vol. J106-C","No. 6","pp. 242-248",2023,Feb.