"Keijun Kakihara,Masayuki Komada,Toshiaki Fukushima","Caspase-dependent STAMBPL1 cleavage promotes cell death through its C-terminal fragment with hyperactive deubiquitinating activity","The International Symposium in Tokyo 2022 gUbiquitin New Frontier gfrom Neo-Biology to Target Protein Degradationh",,,,,,2023,Dec. "Keijun Kakihara","Cis-regulations of USP8 and STAMBPL1 deubiquitinases and their pathophysiological roles",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Keijun Kakihara","Cis-regulations of USP8 and STAMBPL1 deubiquitinases and their pathophysiological roles",,,,,,,2023,Mar. "Keijun Kakihara","Cis-regulations of USP8 and STAMBPL1 deubiquitinases and their pathophysiological roles",,,,,,,2023,Mar.