@article{CTT100819511, author = {NAOKO SAIO and Hiroko Shimokawa and FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO}, title = {Courses and Facility Planning for the Japanese Credit-based Upper Secondary Schools}, journal = {}, year = 2019, } @article{CTT100819512, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa and NAOKO SAIO}, title = {States and Issues of Using Closed Public High Schools}, journal = {Journal of Architecture and Planning}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100845619, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa and NAOKO SAIO}, title = {Management Program and Planning Requirements of School Building Space for Promoting the Involvement with the Region at Public High School}, booktitle = {Environment Design Research Association Conference}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100716587, author = {Ryo Ueda and FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO and NAOKO SAIO and Hiroko Shimokawa}, title = {総合学科高等学校の系列と校舎平面計画}, booktitle = {2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100716590, author = {Yoshito Fujii and Hiroko Shimokawa and FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO and NAOKO SAIO}, title = {単位制普通科高等学校における教育課程と校舎平面計画 その1 教育課程と普通・特別教室群の配置関係}, booktitle = {2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100716591, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa and FUMIHITO MIYAMOTO and NAOKO SAIO}, title = {単位制普通科高等学校における教育課程と校舎平面計画 その2 教育課程と学校運営及び教室配置}, booktitle = {2016年度日本建築学会大会(九州)学術講演梗概集}, year = 2016, } @misc{CTT100846652, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa}, title = {Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society}, year = 2019, } @misc{CTT100803460, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa}, title = {Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society}, year = 2019, } @misc{CTT100803503, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa}, title = {Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society}, year = 2019, } @phdthesis{CTT100846652, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa}, title = {Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society}, school = {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, year = 2019, } @phdthesis{CTT100803460, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa}, title = {Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society}, school = {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, year = 2019, } @phdthesis{CTT100803503, author = {Hiroko Shimokawa}, title = {Building Planning and Community Use of Public High Schools in an era of falling birthrates and an aging society}, school = {Tokyo Institute of Technology}, year = 2019, }