@book{CTT100783048, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {Pythonで学ぶ統計的機械学習}, publisher = {オーム社}, year = 2018, } @book{CTT100783043, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {Rによる機械学習入門}, publisher = {オーム社}, year = 2017, } @book{CTT100660187, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T.}, title = {Density Ratio Estimation in Machine Learning}, publisher = {}, year = 2012, } @book{CTT100495332, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {A New Sequential Algorithm for Regression Problems by using Mixture Distribution}, publisher = {Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2002}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100783045, author = {Hiroaki Sasaki and Takafumi Kanamori and Aapo Hyvarinen and Masashi Sugiyama}, title = {Mode-Seeking Clustering and Density Ridge Estimation via Direct Estimation of Density-Derivative-Ratios}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100783038, author = {Takafumi Kanamori and Takashi Takenouchi}, title = {Graph-based Composite Local Bregman Divergences on Discrete Sample Spaces}, journal = {Neural Networks}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100783039, author = {Takafumi Kanamori and Shuhei Fujiwara and Akiko Takeda}, title = {Robustness of Learning Algorithms using Hinge Loss with Outlier Indicators}, journal = {Neural Networks}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100783040, author = {Kota Matsui and Wataru Kumagai and Takafumi Kanamori}, title = {Parallel Distributed Block Coordinate Descent Methods based on Pairwise Comparison Oracle}, journal = {Journal of Global Optimization}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100783041, author = {Takashi Takenouchi and T. Kanamori}, title = {Statistical Inference with Unnormalized Discrete Models and Localized Homogeneous Divergences}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100783044, author = {Shuhei Fujiwara and Akiko Takeda and Takafumi Kanamori}, title = {DC Algorithm for Extended Robust Support Vector Machine}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 2017, } @article{CTT100660176, author = {Yamada, M. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T. and Hachiya, H. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Relatiive density-ratio estimationfor robust distribution comparision}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100660181, author = {Kanamori and Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Computational complexity of kernel-based density-ratio estimation:A condition number analysis}, journal = {Machine Learning}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100660146, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T. and Du Plessis, M.C. and Liu, S. and & Takeuchi, I.}, title = {Density-difference estimation}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100660172, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Liu, S. and Du Plessis, M.C. and Yamanaka, M. and Yamada, M. and Suzuki, T. and & Kanamori, T.}, title = {Direct divergence approximationbetween probability distributions and its applications inmachine learning}, journal = {Journal of Computing Science and Engineering}, year = 2013, } @article{CTT100660277, author = {Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Statistical analisis of kernel-based least-squares density-ratio estimation}, journal = {Machine Learning}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100660273, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T}, title = {Density ratio matching under the Bregman divergence:A unified framework of density ratio estimation}, journal = {Annals of the Institlute of Statistical Mathematics}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100660279, author = {Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {F-divergence estimation and two-sample homogeneity test under semiparametric density-ratio models}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100599754, author = {Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Theoretical analysis of density ratio estimation}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communication and Computer Sciences,}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100599748, author = {Hido, S. and Tsuboi, Y. and Kashima, H. and Sugiyama, M. and Kanamori, T.}, title = {Statistical outlier detection using direct density ratio estimation.}, journal = {Knowledge and Information Systems}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100604103, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Takeuchi, I. and Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Hachiya, H. and Okanohara, D.}, title = {Least-squares conditional density estimation.}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Infromation and Systems,}, year = 2010, } @article{CTT100582880, author = {Kanamori, T. and Hido, S. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {A least-squares approach to direct importance estimation.}, journal = {Journal of Machine Learning Research}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100582785, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Hido, S. and Sese, J. and Takeuchi, I. and Wang, L.}, title = {A density-ratio framework for statistical data processing.}, journal = {IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications,}, year = 2009, } @article{CTT100405713, author = {Noboru Murata and Takafumi Kanamori and Takashi Takenouchi}, title = {Boosting and Learning Algorithm}, journal = {The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100405711, author = {Takafumi Kanamori and Ichiro Takeuchi}, title = {Conditional mean estimation under asymmetric and heteroscedastic error by linear combination of quantile regressions}, journal = {Computational Statistics & Data Analysis}, year = 2005, } @article{CTT100505235, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Robust Boosting and Loss Functions}, journal = {IEICE technical Report}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100505234, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {The most robust loss function for boosting}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science Neural Information Processing}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100505232, author = {Murata, N. and Takenouchi, T. and Kanamori, T. and Eguchi, S.}, title = {Information Geometry of U-Boost and Bregman Divergence}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100505236, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Recent Development of Ensemble Learning}, journal = {SICE symposium on Intelligent Systems}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100505237, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Statistical Models for Multi-Class Classification and Integrability of Estimation Equations}, journal = {Proceedings of Information-Based Induction Sciences}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100505238, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Integrability of moment methos and loss functions for multi-class classification}, journal = {Proceedings of JSS}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100505239, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Estimation of pure premium damage of damage insurance by using quantile regressions}, journal = {Proceedings of JSS}, year = 2004, } @article{CTT100495339, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Estimation of conditional mean by the linear combination of quantile regression under heteroscedastic asymmetric errors}, journal = {IEICE technical Report}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495329, author = {Taiafumi Kanamori and Hidetoshi Shimodaira}, title = {Active Learning algorithm using the maximum weighted log-likelihood estimator}, journal = {Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495328, author = {Takafumi Kanamori and Noboru Murata}, title = {Boosting and its robustness}, journal = {Journal of IEICE}, year = 2003, } @article{CTT100495330, author = {Yoshua Bengio and Ichiro Takeuchi and Takafumi Kanamori}, title = {Robust Regression with Asymmetric Heavy-Tail Noise Distributions}, journal = {Neural Computation}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100495333, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {The Challenge of Non-Linear Regression on Large Datasets with Asymmetric Heavy Tails}, journal = {Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100495331, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Statistical Asymptotic Theory of Active Learning}, journal = {Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, year = 2002, } @article{CTT100459738, author = {Takafumi Kanamori and Hidetoshi Shimodaira}, title = {An Active Learning Algorithm Using an Information Criterion for the Maximum Weighted Log-likelihood Estimator}, journal = {Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, year = 2000, } @article{CTT100459737, author = {Takafumi KANAMORI}, title = {Active Learning Algorighm using Maximum Weighted Likelihood Estimator}, journal = {Bulletin of the Computational Statistics of Japan}, year = 1998, } @inproceedings{CTT100783047, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {Statistical inference with unnormalized models}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783046, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {Statistical inference with unnormalized models}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100783042, author = {Hiroaki Sasaki and Takafumi Kanamori and Masashi Sugiyama}, title = {Estimating Density Ridges by Direct Estimation of Density-Derivative-Ratios}, booktitle = {}, year = 2017, } @inproceedings{CTT100660115, author = {Nguyen, T.D. and Du Plessis, M.C. and Kanamori, T. and & Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Constrained least-squares density-difference estimation}, booktitle = {IEICE Technical Report}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100633553, author = {takafumi kanamori and 鈴木 大慈 and Masashi Sugiyama}, title = {密度比の推定による2標本検定.}, booktitle = {2010年度統計関連学会連合大会,}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100660235, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T. and Du Plessis, M.C. and Liu, S. and Takeuchi, I.}, title = {Density-difference estimation}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25}, year = 2012, } @inproceedings{CTT100605114, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Takeuchi, I. and Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Hachiya, H. and Okanohara, D.}, title = {Conditional density estimation via least-squares density ratio estimation.}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of Thirteenth Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS2010),}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100605112, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Hara, S. and von Bünau, P. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T. and Kawanabe, M.}, title = {Direct density ratio estimation with dimensionality reduction.}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the 10th SIAM International Conference on Data Mining(SDM2010)}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100605275, author = {Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Theoretical analysis of density ratio estimation.}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence,}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100599769, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Takeuchi, I. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T. and Hachiya, H. and Okanohara, D.}, title = {Conditional density estimation based on density ratio estimation.}, booktitle = {IPSJSIGTechnicalReport,}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100592360, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Hara, S. and von Bünau, P. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T. and Kawanabe, M.}, title = {Dimensionality reduction for density ratio estimation based on Pearson divergence maximization.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100589725, author = {Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Condition number analysis of density ratio estimation.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100585251, author = {Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Condition number analysis of kernel-based density ratio estimation.}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100576896, author = {Kanamori, T. and Hido, S. and Sugiyama, M.}, title = {Learning and density ratio estimation under covariate shift.}, booktitle = {The 2008 Japanese Joint Statistical Meeting}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100575849, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Kanamori, T. and Suzuki, T. and Hido, S. and Sese, J. and Takeuchi, I. and Wang, L.}, title = {Direct importance estimation - A new versatile tool for statistical pattern recognition}, booktitle = {Meeting on Image Recognition and Understanding 2008 (MIRU2008)}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100575857, author = {Suzuki, T. and Sugiyama, M. and Sese, J. and Kanamori, T.}, title = {A least-squares approach to mutual information estimation with application in variable selection}, booktitle = {In Proceedings of Workshop on New Challenges for Feature Selection in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2008 (FSDM2008)}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100405709, author = {Takafumi Kanamori}, title = {Integrability of Weak Learner on Boosting}, booktitle = {to appear}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100405705, author = {Akiko Takeda and Takafumi Kanamori}, title = {Conditional Value-at-Risk Approach to Robust Optimization and Applications to Statistical Learning under Distribution Perturbation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Information-Based Induction Science}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100405704, author = {Ichiro Takeuchi and Kaname Nomura and Takafumi Kanamori}, title = {Computing Conditional Quantile Path by Piecewise-Linear Path Tracking}, booktitle = {}, year = 2005, } @inproceedings{CTT100405707, author = {Takafumi Kanamori and Ichiro Takeuchi}, title = {Estimators for Conditional Expectations under Asymmetric and Heteroscedastic Error Distribution}, booktitle = {Institute of Statistical Mathematics}, year = 2005, } @misc{CTT100785189, author = {takafumi kanamori and YOSHIYUKI KABASHIMA and Misako Takayasu and Yumiharu Nakano and Mituhiro Fukuda and Naoto Miyoshi and Makoto Yamashita and SUMIO WATANABE}, title = {東京工業大学情報理工学院数理・計算科学系―情報の未来を作り出す数理的アプローチを探究する―}, year = 2019, } @misc{CTT100604493, author = {Sugiyama, M. and Suzuki, T. and Kanamori, T.}, title = {Density ratio estimation: A comprehensive review.}, year = 2010, } @misc{CTT100596323, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {Statistical Asymptotic Theory of Active Learning}, year = 1999, } @misc{CTT100869584, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {演算装置および学習済みモデル}, howpublished = {PublishedPatent}, year = 2021, month = {}, note = {PCT/JP2020/035254(2020/09/17), WO 2021/095361(2021/05/20)} } @misc{CTT100909673, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {演算装置および学習済みモデル}, howpublished = {RegisteredPatent}, year = 2023, month = {}, note = {特願2021-555926(2020/09/17), 特許第7386462号(2023/11/16)} } @phdthesis{CTT100596323, author = {takafumi kanamori}, title = {Statistical Asymptotic Theory of Active Learning}, school = { The Graduate University for Advanced Studies}, year = 1999, }