@article{CTT100652187, author = {Suhyun Kim and Yoshifumi Oshima and Yasumasa Tanishiro and Kunio Takayanagi}, title = {Study on probe current dependence of the intensity distribution in annular dark field images}, journal = {ULTRAMICROSCOPY}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100652164, author = {K. Takayanagi and S. Kim and S. Lee and Y. Oshima and T. Tanaka and Y. Tanishiro and H. Sawada and F. Hosokawa and T. Tomita and T. Kaneyama and Yukihito Kondo}, title = {Electron microscopy at a sub-50 pm resolution}, journal = {J. Electron Microsc.}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100652177, author = {S. Kim and Y. Oshima and H. Sawada and T. Kaneyama and Y. Kondo and M. Takeguchi and Yoshiko Nakayama and Y. Tanishiro and K. Takayanagi}, title = {Quantitative Annular Dark-field STEM Images of a Silicon Crystal Using a Large-angle Convergent Electron Probe with a 300-kV Cold Field-emission Gun}, journal = {J. Electron Microsc.}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100610391, author = {Suhyun Kim and Yoshifumi Oshima and Hidetaka Sawada and Naoto Hashikawa and Kyoichiro Asayama and Tosikatu Kaneyama and Yukihito Kondo and Yasumasa Tanishiro and Kunio Takayanagi}, title = {A Dopant Culster in a Highly Antimony Doped Silicon Crystal}, journal = {Applied Physics Express}, year = 2010, }