@article{CTT100759529, author = {Nobuhiko Nishiyama and JoonHyun Kang and Yuki Kuno and Kazuto Ito and Yuki Atsumi and Tomohiro Amemiya and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Si-photonics-based Layer-to-layer Coupler Toward 3D Optical Interconnection}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Electronics}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100705327, author = {Kazuto Itou and Yuki Kuno and Yuusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Naoya Hojo and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Crystalline/Amorphous Si Integrated Optical Couplers for 2D/3D Interconnection}, journal = {IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100723046, author = {Yuusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Satoshi Inoue and Hasan Shovon and Yuki Kuno and Kazuto Itou and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and SHIGEHISA ARAI}, title = {GaInAsP/silicon-on-insulator hybrid laser with ring-resonator-type reflector fabricated by N2 plasma-activated bonding}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2016, } @article{CTT100682923, author = {Yuki Kuno and JoonHyun Kang and Yusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Design of apodized hydrogenated amorphous silicon grating couplers with metal mirrors for inter-layer signal coupling: Toward three-dimensional optical interconnection}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2015, } @article{CTT100677905, author = {Junichi Suzuki and Yuusuke Hayashi and Yuki Kuno and JoonHyun Kang and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Surface assessment after removing III–V layer on III–V/silicon-on-insulator wafer fabricated by plasma activated bonding}, journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100666579, author = {JoonHyun Kang and Yuki Atsumi and Yuusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Yuki Kuno and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Amorphous-Silicon Inter-Layer Grating Couplers with Metal Mirrors toward 3D Interconnection}, journal = {Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics}, year = 2014, } @article{CTT100666578, author = {JoonHyun Kang and Yuki Atsumi and Yuusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Yuki Kuno and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {50 Gbps data transmission through amorphous silicon interlayer grating couplers}, journal = {Applied Physics Express}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100714507, author = {Kazuto Itou and Kuno Yuki and Yuusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Vertical Trident Coupler for 3D Optical Interconnection}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100709137, author = {JoonHyun Kang and Yuki Kuno and Kazuto Ito and Yusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Il-Ki Han and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Highly Efficient Circular Holes Added a-Si:H Grating Coupler with Metal Mirror for 3D Optical Interconnects}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100700495, author = {伊東 憲人 and 久能雄輝 and 林侑介 and 鈴木純一 and 雨宮智宏 and 西山伸彦 and 荒井滋久}, title = {平面内異種材料光集積回路に向けた クリスタル/アモルファスSi導波路間結合器の結合効率向上}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100700494, author = {伊東憲人 and 久能雄輝 and 林侑介 and 鈴木純一 and 雨宮智宏 and 西山伸彦 and 荒井滋久}, title = {多層光回路に向けた層間伝送用トライデント型結合器の提案と実証}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100709157, author = {雨宮 智宏 and 金澤 徹 and 平谷 拓生 and コ シチン and 北條 直也 and 久能 雄輝 and 浦上 達宣 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {有機薄膜光集積回路}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100703824, author = {Y. Hayashi and J. Suzuki and S. Inoue and Hasan Shovon and Yuki Kuno and K. Ito and T. Amemiya and N. Nishiyama and S. Arai}, title = {Numerical Analysis of Saturable Absorption Characteristics in III-V/SOI Hybrid Lasers Fabricated by N2 Plasma Activated Bonding}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100698324, author = {Kazuto Itoh and Yuki Kuno and Yuusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and SHIGEHISA ARAI}, title = {Trident Type Coupler between Crystal and Amorphous Si Waveguides}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696308, author = {Kazuto Itoh and Yuki Kuno and Yuusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and SHIGEHISA ARAI}, title = {Coupling Structures between Crystal/Amorphous Si Waveguides for In-Plane Integration}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696300, author = {伊東憲人 and 久能雄輝 and 林侑介 and 鈴木純一 and 雨宮智宏 and 西山伸彦 and 荒井滋久}, title = {異種混載光回路に向けた クリスタル/アモルファスSi導波路間カプラ}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100698316, author = {Junichi Suzuki and Yuusuke Hayashi and Yuki Kuno and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Low-loss Waveguide Fabrication in III-V/SOI Hybrid Integration using Plasma Activated Bonding}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709145, author = {Yuki Kuno and Kazuto Itoh and Yusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and Shigehisa Arai}, title = {Apodized Amorphous Silicon Grating Coupler with Metal Mirrors for 3D optical Interconnection}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100709149, author = {林 侑介 and 鈴木 純一 and 井上 慧史 and Shovon MD Tanvir Hasan and 久能 雄輝 and 雨宮 智宏 and 西山 伸彦 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {ワンチップルータ実現を目指すリング共振器装荷型III-V/Siハイブリッドレーザの検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100696307, author = {伊東憲人 and 久能雄輝 and 姜晙炫 and 林侑介 and 鈴木純一 and 雨宮智宏 and 西山伸彦 and 荒井滋久}, title = {異種混載光回路に向けたクリスタル/アモルファスSi導波路間結合構造の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100682915, author = {伊東 憲人 and 久能 雄輝 and 姜 晙炫 and 林 侑介 and 鈴木 純一 and 雨宮 智宏 and 西山 伸彦 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {クリスタル/アモルファスSi光回路の同一平面内集積に向けた二導波路間結合構造の検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100674607, author = {久能 雄輝 and 姜 晙炫 and 林 侑介 and 鈴木 純一 and 雨宮 智宏 and 西山 伸彦 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {3次元シリコン光配線結合用金属ミラー装荷グレーティングカプラの広波長帯域化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100674606, author = {林 侑介 and 鈴木 純一 and 井上 慧史 and 姜晙炫 and 久能 雄輝 and 雨宮 智宏 and 西山 伸彦 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {プラズマ活性化貼付法を用いたリング共振器ミラー装荷型GaInAsP/SOIハイブリッドレーザの作製}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673607, author = {鈴木 純一 and 林 侑介 and 久能 雄輝 and 姜 晙炫 and 雨宮 智宏 and 西山 伸彦 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {表面活性化接合を用いたIII–V/SOIハイブリッド光デバイスにおけるIII–V層部分エッチングプロセスの検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673609, author = {久能 雄輝 and 姜 晙炫 and 林 侑介 and 鈴木 純一 and 雨宮 智宏 and 西山 伸彦 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {円形空隙を用いた金属ミラー装荷アポダイズドグレーティングカプラの理論検討}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100674619, author = {Yuki Kuno and JoonHyun Kang and Yusuke Hayashi and Junichi Suzuki and Tomohiro Amemiya and Nobuhiko Nishiyama and SHIGEHISA ARAI}, title = {High Efficiency Apodized Grating Couplers with Metal Mirrors between a-Si:H Multilayer Waveguides toward 3D Optical Interconnection}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100674608, author = {姜 晙炫 and 久能 雄輝 and 林 侑介 and 鈴木 純一 and 雨宮 智宏 and 西山 伸彦 and 荒井 滋久}, title = {光ファイバ接続用金属装荷アポダイズドグレーティングカプラの数値解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673601, author = {J. Suzuki and Y. Hayashi and Y. Kuno and J.H. Kang and T. Amemiya and N. Nishiyama and S. Arai}, title = {Light Propagation Properties of Si Waveguides after Removing III-V Layer on a III-V/SOI Wafer Fabricated by Plasma Activated Bonding}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, } @inproceedings{CTT100673600, author = {Y. Hayashi and J. Suzuki and Y. Kuno and J.H. Kang and T. Amemiya and N. Nishiyama and S. Arai}, title = {Investigation of High Temperature Process for III-V/SOI Hybrid Photonic Devices with AlInAs Oxidation Current Confinement Layer}, booktitle = {}, year = 2014, }