@book{CTT100864720, author = {田中幹子 and 小野沙桃実}, title = {酸素が形をつくる仕組み〜酸素による「指間細胞死」誕生のシナリオ}, publisher = {エヌ•ティー•エス}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100925771, author = {Eriko Tsuboi and Satomi Ono and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and Reiko Yu and Toru Kawanishi and Makoto Koizumi and Shuji Shigenobu and Guojun Sheng and Masataka Okabe and Mikiko Tanaka}, title = {Immobilization secondary to cell death of muscle precursors with a dual transcriptional signature contributes to the emu wing skeletal pattern.}, journal = {Nature Communications}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100884983, author = {Satomi F. Ono and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and Osamu Kishida and Haruki Ochi and Mikiko Tanaka}, title = {Air–breathing behavior underlies the cell death in limbs of Rana pirica tadpoles}, journal = {Zoological Letters}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100925772, author = {小野 沙桃実 and 坪井 絵里子 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 湯 玲子 and 河西 通 and 小泉 誠 and Guojun Sheng and 重信 秀治 and 岡部 正隆 and 田中 幹子}, title = {エミューの退化した翼の発生を特徴づける筋前駆細胞のシングルセル解析}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100916298, author = {Satomi Ono and Eriko Tsuboi and Ingrid Cordeiro.R and Reiko Yu and Toru Kawanishi and Makoto Koizumi and Shuji Shigenobu and Guojun Sheng and Masataka Okabe and Mikiko Tanaka}, title = {Deciphering the emu wing’s distinct morphology: Insights from single-cell RNA sequencing of muscle progenitors}, booktitle = {}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100908951, author = {小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 岸田治 and 越智陽城 and 田中幹子}, title = {環境酸素がもたらす「指間細胞死」誕生の可能性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100903207, author = {小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 岸田治 and 越智陽城 and 田中幹子}, title = {エゾアカガエル幼生の頻繁な空気呼吸行動は可塑的な細胞死を引き起こす}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100908933, author = {Satomi Ono and Rikito Furukawa and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and Kyohei Yoshida and Kouki Hayafune and Taiki Hatano and Toru Kawanishi and Shuji Shigenobu and Makoto Kashima and Osamu Kishida and Haruki Ochi and Mikiko Tanaka}, title = {Investigating the evolutionary process of interdigital cell death}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100908931, author = {Satomi Ono and Rikito Furukawa and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and Kyohei Yoshida and Kouki Hayafune and Taiki Hatano and Toru Kawanishi and Shuji Shigenobu and Makoto Kashima and Osamu Kishida and Haruki Ochi and Mikiko Tanaka}, title = {Air–breathing behavior underlies the cell death in interdigital regions of Rana pirica tadpoles}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100892787, author = {古川里貴斗 and 小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 吉田響平 and 畑野大樹 and 重信秀治 and 田中幹子}, title = {羊膜類の指間細胞死における BMP と ROS の関係の解明に向けたアプローチ}, booktitle = {}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100884980, author = {Satomi F Ono and Ingrid R Cordeiro and Haruki Ochi and Osamu Kishida and Mikiko Tanaka}, title = {Air-breathing behavior allows for the induction of cell death in limbs of amphibians}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100881986, author = {小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 越智陽城 and 岸田治 and 田中幹子.}, title = {環境酸素による形づくりの進化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100892765, author = {Eriko Tsuboi and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and Satomi F Ono and Reiko Yu and Makoto Koizumi and Guojun Sheng and Masataka Okabe and Mikiko Tanaka}, title = {Reduction of Muscle Activities Underlies the Forelimb Morphology of Emu}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100874838, author = {小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 越智 陽城 and 岸田 治 and 田中幹子}, title = {エゾアカガエルの呼吸行動により促される可塑的細胞死}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, } @inproceedings{CTT100884984, author = {小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 越智 陽城 and 岸田 治 and 田中幹子}, title = {行動様式は指間細胞死を誘発しうるのか?}, booktitle = {}, year = 2021, } @inproceedings{CTT100836743, author = {小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 越智陽城 and 岸田治 and 田中幹子}, title = {環境酸素による指間細胞死の誘導}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100822099, author = {小野沙桃実 and Ingrid Rosenburg Cordeiro and 岸田治 and 田中幹子}, title = {大気中の酸素がもたらす細胞死機構の解明}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @misc{CTT100929249, author = {小野沙桃実}, title = {四肢の多様な形態形成に寄与するプログラム細胞死とそのメカニズムの解明}, year = , } @misc{CTT100929250, author = {小野沙桃実}, title = {四肢の多様な形態形成に寄与するプログラム細胞死とそのメカニズムの解明}, year = , } @misc{CTT100929251, author = {小野沙桃実}, title = {四肢の多様な形態形成に寄与するプログラム細胞死とそのメカニズムの解明}, year = , } @phdthesis{CTT100929249, author = {小野沙桃実}, title = {四肢の多様な形態形成に寄与するプログラム細胞死とそのメカニズムの解明}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = , } @phdthesis{CTT100929250, author = {小野沙桃実}, title = {四肢の多様な形態形成に寄与するプログラム細胞死とそのメカニズムの解明}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = , } @phdthesis{CTT100929251, author = {小野沙桃実}, title = {四肢の多様な形態形成に寄与するプログラム細胞死とそのメカニズムの解明}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = , }