@article{CTT100763328, author = {Nozomi Nishizawa and Masaki Aoyama and Ronel C. Roca and Kazuhiro Nishibayashi and Hiro Munekata}, title = {Arbitrary helicity control of circularly polarized light from lateral-type spin-polarized light-emitting diodes at room temperature}, journal = {Applied Physics Express}, year = 2018, } @article{CTT100699100, author = {Hiro Munekata and Masaki Aoyama and Ronel Roca and Nozomi Nishizawa}, title = {Spin-photonic devices based on crystalline-AlOx / GaAs for emission and detection of circular polarized light}, journal = {PROCEEDING OF SPIE}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100727005, author = {N. Nishizawa and R. C. Roca and M. Aoyama and K. Nishibayashi and H. Munekata}, title = {Semiconductor-based spin-photonic devices for emission and detection of circularly polarized light at room temperature}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100701993, author = {Masaki Aoyama and Nozomi Nishizawa and Kazuhiro Nishibayashi and Hiro MUNEKATA}, title = {Room temperature operation of helicity switching using dual-electrode spin-LED}, booktitle = {予稿集}, year = 2016, } @inproceedings{CTT100695695, author = {Hiro Munekata and Masaki Aoyama and Ronel Roca and Nozomi Nishizawa}, title = {Spin-photonic devices based on crystalline-AlOx / GaAs for emission and detection of circular polarized light}, booktitle = {}, year = 2015, } @inproceedings{CTT100682549, author = {青山 政樹 and 西沢望 and 西林 一彦 and 宗片 比呂夫}, title = {Spin-LEDにおける円偏光ヘリシティーの高速切替え実験}, booktitle = {予稿集}, year = 2015, }