@article{CTT100652355, author = {T. Suzuki and T. Hirata and T. Yokoyama and T. Imai and E. Takahashi}, title = {Pressure effect on element partitioning between minerals and silicate melt: involved with melting of basalt up to 20 GPa}, journal = {Phys. earth planet. inter.}, year = 2012, } @article{CTT100652356, author = {T. Imai and E. Takahashi and T. Suzuki and T. Hirata}, title = {Element partitioning between olivine and melt up to 10GPa: implication for the effect of pressure T}, journal = {Phys. Earth Planet. Inter.}, year = 2012, } @misc{CTT100687035, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100687099, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100687239, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, year = 2014, } @misc{CTT100691097, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, year = 2014, } @phdthesis{CTT100687035, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2014, } @phdthesis{CTT100687099, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2014, } @phdthesis{CTT100687239, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2014, } @phdthesis{CTT100691097, author = {Takamasa Imai}, title = {Crystal/melt partitioning under deep mantle conditions and melting phase relation in the system Fe-FeH}, school = {東京工業大学}, year = 2014, }