@article{CTT100884745, author = {Kota Nakamura and Yu Sekiguchi and Kazumasa Shimamoto and Keiji Houjou and Haruhisa Akiyama and Chiaki Sato}, title = {Creep Crack Growth Behavior during Hot Water Immersion of an Epoxy Adhesive Using a Spring-Loaded Double Cantilever Beam Test Method}, journal = {Materials}, year = 2023, } @inproceedings{CTT100882942, author = {Kota Nakamura and Yu Sekiguchi and Chiaki Sato and Kazumasa Shimamoto and Keiji Houjou and Haruhisa Akiyama}, title = {Critical energy release rate of adhesively bonded joints under hot-wet and continuous loading conditions}, booktitle = {}, year = 2022, }