@article{CTT100846044, author = {Masahiko Nakase and Ria Mishima and Sotaro Tachioka and Kazuo Kato and Miki Harigai and Kenji Takeshita}, title = {Investigation of adsorption mechanism of PGMs by Alminium Hexaferrocyanide}, journal = {Bulletin of the Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100808565, author = {Ria Mishima and Yusuke Inaba and Sotaro Tachioka and Miki Harigai and Shinta Watanabe and Jun Onoe and Masahiko Nakase and Kenji Takeshita}, title = {Sorption properties of aluminum hexacyanoferrate for platinum group elements}, journal = {Chemistry Letters}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100820051, author = {三島理愛 and 稲葉優介 and 中瀬正彦 and 立岡壮太郎 and 渡邊真太 and 尾上順 and 松村達郎 and 竹下健二}, title = {高レベル放射性廃液ガラス固化体の高品質・減容化のための白金族元素高収着能を有するシアノ基架橋型配位高分子材料の開発(10)フェロシアン化アルミニウムの白金族元素に対する収着性能評価}, booktitle = {}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100809228, author = {立岡壮太郎 and 三島理愛 and 針貝美樹 and 中瀬正彦 and 稲葉優介 and 竹下健二 and 渡邊真太 and 尾上順}, title = {フェロシアン化アルミニウムによる高レベル放射性廃液からのパラジウム吸着}, booktitle = {第33回日本吸着学会研究発表会予稿集}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100802604, author = {Ria Mishima and Sotaro Tachioka and Yusuke Inaba and Miki Harigai and Shinta Watanabe and Jun Onoe and Masahiko Nakase and Kenji Takeshita}, title = {Adsorption study of platinum group metals by Aluminium ferrocyanide from nitric acid solution}, booktitle = {Abstracts of the 5th China Japan Academic Symposium on Nuclear Fuel Cycle (ASNFC2019)}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100832412, author = {稲葉優介 and 斎藤慧太 and 三島理愛 and 針貝美樹 and 竹下健二 and 渡邊真太 and 尾上 順}, title = {フェロシアン化アルミニウムによる高レベル放射性廃液からの白金族元素及びモリブデンの吸着分離}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100832410, author = {竹内俊喜 and 渡邊真太 and 中谷真人 and 三島理愛 and 針貝美樹 and 稲葉優介 and 竹下健二 and 尾上 順}, title = {硝酸水溶液中におけるフェロシアン化アルミニウムナノ粒子のRu, Rh, PdおよびMoイオンに対する収着特性}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100775319, author = {Miki Harigai and Sho Hirohama and Yaolu Zou and Ria Mishima and Hideharu Takahashi and Yusuke Inaba and Kenji Takeshita}, title = {Combustion of Cs-Adsorbed Metal Ferrocyanide and Recovery of Cesium}, booktitle = {}, year = 2016, }