@article{CTT100863036, author = {Mariana RODRIGUES MAKIUCHI and Tifani WARNITA and Nakamasa INOUE and Koichi SHINODA and Michitaka YOSHIMURA and Momoko KITAZAWA and Kei FUNAKI and Yoko EGUCHI and Taishiro KISHIMOTO}, title = {Speech Paralinguistic Approach for Detecting Dementia Using Gated Convolutional Neural Network}, journal = {IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems}, year = 2021, } @article{CTT100830694, author = {Taishiro Kishimoto and Akihiro Takamiya and Kuo-ching Liang and Kei Funaki and Takanori Fujita and Momoko Kitazawa and Michitaka Yoshimura and Yuki Tazawa and Toshiro Horigome and Yoko Eguchi and Toshiaki Kikuchi and Masayuki Tomita and Shogyoku Bun and Junichi Murakami and Brian Sumali and Tifani Warnita and Aiko Kishi and Mizuki Yotsui and Hiroyoshi Toyoshiba and Yasue Mitsukura and Koichi Shinoda and Yasubumi Sakakibara and Masaru Mimura and on behalf of the PROMPT collaborators}, title = {The project for objective measures using computational psychiatry technology (PROMPT): Rationale, design, and methodology}, journal = {Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100810499, author = {Rodrigues Makiuchi Mariana and Warnita Tifani and Uto Kuniaki and Shinoda Koichi}, title = {Speech-linguistic Multimodal Representation for Depression Severity Assessment}, booktitle = {IPSJ SIG Technical Report}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100808038, author = {Mariana Rodrigues Makiuchi and Tifani Warnita and Kuniaki Uto and Koichi Shinoda}, title = {Multimodal Fusion of BERT-CNN and Gated CNN Representations for Depression Detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International on Audio/Visual Emotion Challenge and Workshop}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100771281, author = {Tifani Warnita and Nakamasa Inoue and Koichi Shinoda}, title = {Detecting Alzheimer's Disease Using Gated Convolutional Neural Network from Audio Data}, booktitle = {Proc. Interspeech 2018}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100771422, author = {Tifani Warnita and Nakamasa Inoue and Koichi Shinoda}, title = {Alzheimer's Disease Prediction Using Audio Gated Convolutional Neural Network}, booktitle = {ASJ 2018 Autumn Meeting}, year = 2018, }