@inproceedings{CTT100598722, author = {Oscar V. Antonio and Sohichi Hirose}, title = {Ultrasonic imaging of concrete by SAFT based on Hilbert-Huang transform of time domain data}, booktitle = {Conference Handbook of 13th Asia-Pacific Conf. Non-destruct. Testing}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100598596, author = {O.V.M. Antonio and S. Hirose}, title = {Cepstrum-Based Deconvolution of Pulse-Echo Signals From a Concrete Block}, booktitle = {Proc. the 6th Regional Symp. on Infrastructure Development(RSID-6)}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100598630, author = {Oscar V. Antonio Jr. and Sohichi Hirose}, title = {Cepstrum analysis applied to pulse-echo signals for concrete}, booktitle = {第16回超音波による非破壊評価シンポジウム講演論文集}, year = 2009, }