@inproceedings{CTT100564634, author = {Tadashi ISHIGAKI and Kenji TODA and Tomoaki WATANABE and Naonori SAKAMOTO and Nobuhiro MATSUSHITA and Masahiro YOSHIMURA}, title = {Melt Synthesis of Oxide Phosphors with K2NiF4 Structures: CaLa1-xEuxGaO4}, booktitle = {J. Mater. Sci.}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100564214, author = {Naoki Wakiya and Tomohiro Tabara and Naonori Sakamoto and Tomoya Ohno and Takanori Kiguchi and Nobuyasu Mizutani and Kazuo Shinozaki and Hisao Suzuki}, title = {Multiferroic property of layered PZT and ferromagnetic film}, booktitle = {Extended Abstracts of 13th US-Japan Seninar on Dielectrics and Piezoelectric Ceramics}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100564215, author = {Hisao Suzuki and Naoki Wakiya and Naonori Sakamoto and Toshinari Noda and Kazuo Shinozaki}, title = {Giant Piezoelectricity of PZT thin films on Back-etched Si Wafer}, booktitle = {Extended Abstracts of 13th US-Japan Seninar on Dielectrics and Piezoelectric Ceramics}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100564218, author = {脇谷尚樹 and 篠崎和夫 and 坂元尚紀 and 水谷惟恭 and 鈴木久男}, title = {PZT/強磁性体積層薄膜における磁場中での強誘電特性}, booktitle = {第20回日本セラミックス協会 秋季シンポジウム講演予稿集}, year = 2007, } @misc{CTT100564206, author = {脇谷尚樹 and 坂元尚紀 and 鈴木久男 and 生駒俊之 and 村岡桂舟 and 吉岡朋彦 and 田中順三 and 櫻井修 and 篠崎和夫}, title = {フェライト微粒子のバイオ分野への応用の現状と新しい応用の可能性}, year = 2007, }