@article{CTT100826411, author = {Pasomphone Hemthavy and Kenta Kudo and Kento Kawano and Kunio Takahashi and Shigeki Saito}, title = {Compliant bipolar electrostatic gripper using 3D-printed-layered elastic probes}, journal = {Engineering Research Express}, year = 2020, } @article{CTT100860392, author = {Pasomphone Hemthavy and Kenta Kudo and Kento Kawano and Kunio Takahashi and Shigeki Saito}, title = {Compliant bipolar electrostatic gripper using 3D-printed-layered elastic probes}, journal = {Engineering Research Express}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100847465, author = {工藤 健太 and 田岡 祐樹 and ヘムタビー パソムポーン and 高橋 邦夫 and 齊藤 滋規}, title = {微小円筒操作のための双極型静電吸着ツールの開発}, booktitle = {2020年度精密工学会春季大会学術講演会論文集}, year = 2020, } @inproceedings{CTT100796016, author = {Kenta KUDO and Shigeki SAITO}, title = {A 3D-Printed-Layered Module of Compliant Electrostatic Gripper Consisting of Elastically Deformable Bipolar Micro-probes for Manipulation of Thin Film/Textile Objects}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, } @inproceedings{CTT100772532, author = {工藤健太 and 若林一貴 and HEMTHAVYPASOMPHONE and 高橋邦夫 and 齋藤滋規}, title = {集合梁構造を持つ双極型静電吸着装置による対象物離脱のための手先軌道の実験的検討}, booktitle = {精密工学会学術講演会講演論文集}, year = 2018, }