@article{CTT100915961, author = {Chao Huang and Saiko Aoki}, title = {Change in Chemical Structure of ZnDTP-Derived Tribofilm Formed from Low-Viscosity Engine Oil by Addition of PMA-Series Polar Compounds}, journal = {Tribology Online}, year = 2024, } @article{CTT100914527, author = {Chao Huang and Saiko Aoki}, title = {Effect of additive combinations on tribofilm formation in fully formulated 0W-8 oil}, journal = {Tribology International}, year = 2024, } @inproceedings{CTT100806920, author = {Chao Huang and Saiko Aoki}, title = {Change in Chemical Structure of ZnDTP-Derived Tribofilm Formed from Low-Viscosity Engine Oil by Addition of PMA-Series Polar Compounds}, booktitle = {}, year = 2019, } @inproceedings{CTT100778044, author = {Chao Huang and Saiko Aoki}, title = {Promotive and inhibitive action of polar compounds on the formation of antiwear tribofilm from engine oil}, booktitle = {}, year = 2018, }