@article{CTT100618812, author = {Tomoaki Namioka and Atsushi Saito and Yukiharu Inoue and Yeongsu Park and Tai-jin Min and Seon-ah Roh and Kunio Yoshikawa}, title = {Hydrogen-rich gas production from waste plastics by pyrolysis and low-temperature steam reforming over a ruthenium catalyst}, journal = {Applied Energy}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100620591, author = {Yeongsu Park and Tomoaki Namioka and Shinsuke Sakamoto and Tai-jin Min and Seon-ah Roh and Kunio Yoshikawa}, title = {Optimum operating conditions for a two-stage gasification process fueled by polypropylene by means of continuous reactor over ruthenium catalyst}, journal = {Fuel Processing Technology}, year = 2010, } @inproceedings{CTT100591204, author = {齋藤敦史 and 朴英秀 and 波岡知昭 and 吉川邦夫}, title = {Ru/Al2O3触媒を用いたポリスチレン熱分解油の水蒸気改質反応特性と運転条件の最適化}, booktitle = {}, year = 2009, } @inproceedings{CTT100575469, author = {YEONGSU PARK and TOMOAKI NAMIOKA and KUNIO YOSHIKAWA and SEONAH ROH and WOOHYUN KIM}, title = {Catalytic Steam Reforming of n-Heptane, a Model Compound of Plastics Pyrolysis Oil}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100575470, author = {SINSUKE SAKAMOTO and YEONGSU PARK and ATSUSHI SAITO and YUKIHARU INOUE and TOMOAKI NAMIOKA and KUNIO YOSHIKAWA}, title = {Research on Steam Reforming of Pyrolysis Gas from Waste Plastic with Ru Catalyst}, booktitle = {}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100564808, author = {坂本真輔 and 朴英秀 and 波岡知昭 and 吉川邦夫}, title = {Ru触媒を用いた廃プラスチック模擬物質の水蒸気改質に関する研究}, booktitle = {第17回日本エネルギー学会大会講演要旨集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100564809, author = {Yeongsu PARK and Tomoaki NAMIOKA and Kunio YOSHIKAWA and SEONAH ROH and WOOHYUN KIM}, title = {Catalytic Reforming of Model Compounds of Pyrolysis Tars}, booktitle = {第18回環境工学総合シンポジウム2008講演論文集}, year = 2008, } @inproceedings{CTT100553596, author = {Kayoko Aoki and Yeongsu Park and Shinsuke Sakamoto and Tomoaki Namioka and Kunio Yoshikawa}, title = {Kinetic Study of Steam Reforming of N-nonane by Ru Based Catalyst}, booktitle = {Proc. 3rd KIMM-TITech Joint Workshop}, year = 2007, } @inproceedings{CTT100553589, author = {Yeongsu Park and Kayoko Aoki and Tomoaki Namioka and Kunio Yoshikawa}, title = {Catalytic Steam Reforming of Waste Plastics for Production of Hydrogen}, booktitle = {Proc. International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 07}, year = 2007, }