@article{CTT100626748, author = {Hironori Uchikawa and Kenta Kasai and Kohichi Sakaniwa}, title = {Spatially Coupled Protograph-based LDPC Codes for Decode-and-Forward in Erasure Relay Channel}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals}, year = 2011, } @article{CTT100626749, author = {Hironori Uchikawa and Kenta Kasai and Kohichi Sakaniwa}, title = {Design and Performance of Rate-compatible Non-Binary LDPC Convolutional Codes}, journal = {IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100664164, author = {H. Uchikawa and B .M. Kurkoski and K. Kasai and K. Sakaniwa}, title = {Iterative encoding with Gauss- Seidel method for spatially-coupled low-density lattice codes,}, booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory}, year = 2013, } @inproceedings{CTT100704064, author = {UCHIKAWA Hironori and KASAI Kenta and SAKANIWA Kohichi}, title = {Spatially Coupled Protograph-Based LDPC Codes for Decode-and-Forward in Erasure Relay Channel}, booktitle = {IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and computer sciences}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100704065, author = {内川 浩典 and クルカスキー ブライアン and 笠井 健太 and 坂庭 好一}, title = {空間結合低密度格子符号(LDPC符号,LDPC符号,一般)}, booktitle = {電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IT, 情報理論}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100626760, author = {Hironori Uchikawa and Kenta Kasai and Kohichi Sakaniwa}, title = {Spatially Coupled LDPC Codes for Decode-and-Forward in Erasure Relay Channel}, booktitle = {Proc. of IEEE Interenational Symposium on Information Theory}, year = 2011, } @inproceedings{CTT100610914, author = {Hironori Uchikawa and Kenta Kasai and Kohichi Sakaniwa}, title = {Terminated LDPC Convolutional Codes over GF(2P)}, booktitle = {"2010 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing"}, year = 2010, }